Last year, more than 6 million Americans cut the cord for numerous reasons. In contrast, video streaming services are on the rise. Will this cutting-cord trend continue in favor of streaming? Learn interesting cord-cutting facts & stats about: How many people still have a cable TV subscription How many people have already cut the cord What is the main reason for cutting the cord And other fascinating information on cutting-cord trends. Cable TV subscriber numbers How many subscribers have cable services lost? What percent of people have cut the cord? How much money does cutting the cord save? How many people have cable in Canada? Average time Americans spend watching TV Is streaming more popular than cable? Cord-cutting demographics Most common reasons to cut the cord How much does an average US household pay for cable? Key Cord Cutting Statistics 74.11 million Americans still use traditional pay TV in 2022. Cable TV still represents around 39% of the market share, with streaming having 26% share (as of Q2 2021) Each year, around 6 million Americans decide to cut the cord, with 50.2 million Americans already cutting the cord. Traditional pay TV providers have lost 825,000 subscribers in Q1 2022 alone. The average American spends 3 hours per day watching TV in 2022, with men having longer screen time than women. Young adults between 18 and 29 are cutting the cord the most. US household pays $116 on average for cable TV. How Many People Have Cable? / Cable TV subscriber numbers Approximately 40,485,721 people in the US have cable as of Q1 2022. Around 26,222,000 Americans use other traditional TV services like satellite, whereas 7,408,245 are subscribed to IPTV services. That makes a total of 74,115,966 pay-TV subscribers in the US. Total pay-TV users in the US74.11 millionCable TV users in the US40.48 millionSatellite users in the US26.22 millionIPTV users in the US7.41 million(LRG) 60% of American households were still using traditional pay-TV in 2021. In 2010, 91% (or 105 million) of households in the US used traditional pay TV. It’s expected to drop down to 50% by 2026. (Digital TV News) The number of US pay-TV subscribers, based on platform. Pay-TV platformNumber of subsin 2010in 2021in 2022in 2027 (estimated)Satellite33.35 million19.77 million18.10 million14.63 millionIPTV6.98 million6.98 million6.03 million4.39 millionAnalog cable19.50 million///Digital cable45 million45.77 million44.09 million41.2 million(Digital TV News) How Many Subscribers Have Cable Services Lost? 55.1 million Americans have already cut the cord. US cable TV lost many subscribers in the last few years. Around 6 million subscribers per year. YearUS users who cut the cord202255.1 million202150.2 million202045 million201939.3 million201833 million201724.9 million(eMarketer) Pay-TV uses are expected to drop from around 100 million before 2014 to 72.7 million by 2023. Number of pay-TV usersbefore 2014Number of pay-TV usersby 2023100 million72.7 million(Axios) On the other hand, non-pay TV users will increase from around 20 million before 2014 to 56.1 million by 2023. Number of non-pay TV usersbefore 2014Number of non-pay TV usersby 202320 million56.1 million(Axios) 76% of US adults watched cable or satellite TV in 2015, whereas 24% didn’t. In 2021, the percentage of cable and satellite subscriptions dropped to 56%, with 44% either not watching TV or using other sources. Cable or satellite usersNon-pay TV users201576%24%202156%44%(PRC) Out of those who currently don’t have a pay-TV subscription, 61% had it sometime in the past, whereas 39% were never subscribed. (PRC) How many subscribers overall have cable services lost over the last years? From 2019 to 2021, the US cable lost 6 million pay-TV subscribers each year. It’s estimated that by 2027, 12 million additional people will unsubscribe from traditional pay TV services. (Digital TV News) Popular US cable TV providers’ subscriber numbers COMCAST YearNumber of subscribersDifferenceQ1 202217.66 million-4.8%Q3 202118.55 million-2.11%Q2 202118.95 million-2.07%Q1 202119.35 million-2.76%Q1 202019.9 million-6.35%Q4 201921.25 million-1.8%Q2 201921.64 million-2.17%Q2 201822.12 million-1.73%Q2 201722.51 million+0.49%Q1 201622.4 million+0.13%Q1 201522.37 million+1.22%Q1 201422.1 million/(CMCSA) VERIZON YearNumber of subscribersDifferenceQ1 20223.49 million-2.24%Q4 20213.57 million-1.92%Q3 20213.64 million-1.88%Q2 20213.71 million-1.59%Q1 20213.77 million-2.08%Q4 20203.85 million-2.03%Q3 20203.93 million-1.50%Q2 20203.99 million-1.96%Q1 20204.07 million-1.93%Q4 20194.15 million-7.78%Q4 20184.5 million/(Digital News TV 2) (Verizon) CHARTER YearNumber of subscribersDifferenceQ1 202215.72 million-0.69%Q4 202115.83 million-1.43%Q4 202016.06 million+2.29%Q3 202015.7 million+0.32%Q2 202015.65 million+0.64%Q1 202015.55 million-0.32%Q4 201915.6 million-0.63%Q3 201915.7 million-0.63%Q2 201915.8 million-0.94%Q1 201915.95 million-0.93%Q4 201816.1 million/(LRG) (Fierce Video) DIRECTV YearNumber of subscribersDifferenceQ1 202214.3 million-7.14%Q2 202115.4 million-2.53%Q4 202015.8 million-18.85%Q4 201919.47 million-9.73%Q2 201921.57 million-3.53%Q1 201922.36 million-11.16%Q3 201825.17 million/(LRG) (Fierce Video 2) (Fierce Video 3) (Fierce Video 4) (Light Reading) DISH TV YearNumber of subscribersDifferenceQ1 20227.99 million-2.8%Q4 20218.22 million-2.37%Q3 20218.42 million-1.52%Q2 20218.55 million-1.61%Q1 20218.69 million-1.47%Q4 20208.82 million-1.56%Q3 20208.96 million-0.66%Q2 20209.02 million+0.11%Q1 20209.01 million-4.04%Q4 20199.39 million-1.05%Q3 20199.49 million-0.73%Q2 20199.56 million+2.03%Q1 20199.37 million/(LRG) (Hollywood Reporter) (Fierce Video 5) (Dish) How many subscribers did cable services lose last quarter? Most popular US cable providers lost 785,000 pay-TV subscribers in Q3 2022. In Q2 2022, top cable providers lost staggering 1,925,000 subscribers. Quarter of the yearCable TVsubscribers lostQ3 2022785,000Q2 20221,925,000Q1 2022825,000Q1 2021780,000(LRG, LRG 3, LRG 4) What Percent of People Have Cut the Cord? Around 27% of Americans have cut the cord by 2021. 17% of Americans never used pay-TV services. (PRC) Around 72.86 million households are estimated to be pay-TV-free by 2027. In 2010, only 11.34 million households didn’t have a pay-TV subscription. (Digital TV News) But another market is gaining users; check the VoIP Market, Industry, Users. How much money does cutting the cord really save? Depending on your plan, you can save up to $70 by cutting away the TV bundle. (CNET) Of course, the potential savings decrease with the number of streaming service subscriptions. Since streaming platforms provide their own original content, you’re likely to pay for more than one service. Also, streaming services are getting pricier. (Current) At the end of the day, it’s all about having control over what content to watch and when not necessarily about saving money. (Wired) How Many People Have Cable in Canada? 7.9 million Canadians were subscribed to pay TV in 2021. That represents 51.3% of households. That’s down from 8.3 million in 2020 (or 55.3% of households), and 8.7 million in 2019 (or 59% of households). It’s estimated that by the end of 2022, there will remain 7.7 million pay-TV users (or 48.9% of households) in Canada. YearCanadians with pay-TVPercentage of households20227.7 million (estimation)48.9%20217.9 million51.3%20208.3 million55.3%20198.7 million59%(eMarketer 2) How many people are cord-cutting in Canada? Around 305,000 Canadians cut the cord in 2021. YearCanadians cutting the cord that year2022316,000 (estimated)2021305,0002020336,000(CRG) 520,000 Canadians had already cut the cord by 2020 or were never even subscribed. By 2019, 420,000 Canadians had cut the cord or were never subscribed. YearCanadians that cut the cordor were never subscribed2020520,0002019420,0002018400,0002017351,0002016366,0002015333,0002014251,0002013163,0002012193,000(Statista) Average Amount of Time an American Spends Watching TV The average American adult spends 3 hours per day watching TV in 2022. (Statista 2) Children are also watching TV for 3 hours per day on average. The highest number of hours spent watching TV was 7 hours per day, according to 2020 data. UK watchers spent 5 hours and 40 minutes watching TV on average. The survey was conducted during coronavirus lockdowns, which could affect screen time. (ICSID) Find out how many people watch Anime. In 2021, an average American spent 2.86 hours per day watching TV on average. The elder demographic (above 65 years) spent the most time watching TV, averaging 4.5 hours per day. Age groupAverage screen time25-342h 9min35-442h 5min45-542h 33min55-643h 19min65+4h 30min(BLS) Men spend more time watching TV than women, averaging 2.7 hours on weekdays, and 3.83 hours on weekends. On the other hand, women spend 2.44 hours on weekdays and 3.29 hours on weekends. GenderWeekdays screen timeWeekends screen timeMale2h 42min3h 49minFemale2h 26min3h 17min(BLS) West Virginians spend 3.82 hours in front of the TV per day, which is the most in the US. US stateAverage screen timeWest Virginia3h 49minAlabama3h 34minArkansas3h 22minMississippi3h 22minRhode Island3h 19minLouisiana3h 15minNevada3h 4minDelaware3h 1minKentucky3h 1minMissouri3h 1min(US News) Alaskans spend the least time watching TV, averaging 1.85 hours per day. US stateAverage screen timeAlaska1h 51minUtah1h 58minWashington2h 18minIdaho2h 19minMinnesota2h 21minNew Mexico2h 22minCalifornia2h 27minOregon2h 30minMontana2h 31minMassachusetts2h 31min(US News) Find more data on screen time: General screen time stats Teen and kids average screen time Do More People Have Netflix or Cable? As of Q3 2022, Netflix has 73.39 million users in US and Canada, whereas there are 71.4 million cable TV users in the US alone. But the trend is showing that in a couple of years, pay TV will be less common than video streaming. US & Canada Netflix usersUS cable TVsubscribersQ3 202273.39 million71.4 millionQ1 202274.58 million74.11 million(Statista 3, LRG, LRG 3) Netflix has: 73.53 million users in Europe 39.94 million users in Latin America 36.23 million users in the Asia Pacific (Statista 3) An average person who only uses Netflix has spared himself 58 hours of watching ads. An hour on a typical network channel consists of 18 minutes of advertisement. (HotDog) Is streaming more popular than cable? Around 30% of TV watchers in the US were still using cable in January 2023. Streaming holds a first place at 38.1%. Broadcasting is third at 24.9%, with the remaining 6.6% from other sources. Cable TV share30.4%Streaming share38.1%Broadcasting share24.9%Other sources6.6%(Nielsen 2) Q1 2022 streaming shareby servicesStreaming serviceStreaming sharein January 2023Streaming sharein Q1 2022Streaming sharein Q2 2021Netflix7.5%6.4%6%YouTube TV8.6%5.7%6%Hulu3.5%3%3%Prime Video2.9%2.3%2%Disney+1.7%1.7%1%Other3.1%9.5%8%(Netflix Report 2022, Nielsen, Nielsen 2) Related: HBO Max is also gaining subscribers More than 83% of US households pay for at least one streaming service in 2022. In 2020, the percentage was 55%. In 2018, it was 43%, which is up from 20% in 2015. At least 67% of households are subscribed to Netflix. In 33% of cases, one Netflix subscription is used in more than one household. In 2020, 78% of households were subscribed to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu. That’s up from 69% in 2018 and 52% in 2015. (Deadline) (LRG 2) Cord-cutting demographics: Who’s cutting the cord the most? What age groups are using alternatives like streaming? Going from 65% in 2015 to 34% in 2021, young adults aged 18-29 are cutting the cord the most. Followed by the 30-49 age group, which reduced their pay-TV subscription numbers by 27%. Age group2015202118-2965%34%30-4973%46%50-6480%66%65+86%81%Average US adults76%56%(PRC) Young US adults aged 18-29 are the likeliest to use video streaming services. 61% of them have never subscribed to pay-TV services. On the other hand, 91% of them claim they find all the content they like online. Ages 18-29Ages 30-49Ages 50+Never subscribed61%30%27%Access content online91%72%52%Think cable TV too expensive57%72%77%Aren’t watching TV53%47%33%(PRC) Most Common Reasons Why People Cut the Cable? More than 31% of people’s main reason to cut the cord is price. That is followed by not using the cable TV enough to justify the price at 8.03%. Reasons to cut cordHow many people agreeCable too expensive31.02%Not watching enough to justify price8.03%Unsatisfaction with the service6.53%Too difficult to use5.79%Stopped watching live news5.04%Fewer ads on streaming4.16%Children persuaded to cancel3.90%Parents persuaded to cancel3.87%Stopped watching live entertainment3.81%Stopped watching political content3.71%Moved to location without cable access3.37%Not wanting to have a contract2.73%Spouse/partner persuaded to cancel2.13%Stopped watching live sports1.80%Other14.11%(Cable TV) With 19.50%, the main reason against cutting the cord is watching live sports. Reasons againstcutting the cordHow many people agreeWatching live sports19.50%Watching live entertainment11.66%Too slow internet for streaming10.09%Watching live news9.53%Multiple streaming services too expensive8.02%Provider forcing to sub to cable7.10%Enjoy having DVR access6.98%Getting cable for free6.71%Too much equipment to buy for streaming6.63%Cable is easier to use6.43%Watching political content2.37%Other4.97%(Cable TV) How Much Does an Average American Household Pay for Cable? American household spends $116 on average for cable TV per month. That’s $1,392 per year (or $1,141 when averaging all US households). On average, paying for pay-TV/internet bundles represents 2% of total consumer yearly income. The total US market spends $147 billion per year on pay-TV subscriptions. (Business Wire) The cost for pay-TV in the US ranges from $45 to $130, depending on the provider. The average price is $64. On the other hand, US consumers spend $47 on average for video streaming services (as of December 2020). (ICSID) Pay TV had the highest revenue of $101 billion in 2014. However, it’s estimated that between 2014 and 2027, the revenue will drop to $53 billion, which is $48 billion less. 71% of Americans who aren’t using pay TV claim they find all the content they like online. 69% claim cable and satellite TV are too expensive, whereas 45% simply don’t watch TV. (PRC) Read more: Music streaming statistics Conclusion These were the latest cord-cutting statistics. Despite worldwide lockdowns that forced people to stay at home, cable TV services are slowly but steadily losing subscribers. The cord-cutters either don’t have time to watch TV or find all the video content they want on different streaming services. Have you cut the cord as well, or are you planning to? Have you saved money by cutting the cord? What alternative did you find? Please let us know in the comments. Sources: LRG, LRG 2, Digital TV News, Digital TV News 2, Axios, PRC, eMarketer, eMarketer 2, CNET, Current, Wired, CRG, Statista, Statista 2, Statista 3, ICSID, BLS, BLS 2, US News, HotDog, Nielsen, Netflix Report 2022, Deadline, Cable TV, Business Wire, CMCSA, Verizon, Fierce Video, Fierce Video 2, Fierce Video 3, Fierce Video 4, Fierce Video 5, Light Reading, Hollywood Reporter, Dish LRG 3, Major Pay-TV Providers Lost About 785,000 Subscribers in 3Q 2022. Published Nov 14, 2022. Accessed Feb 21, 2023. LRG 4, Major Pay-TV Providers Lost About 1,925,000 Subscribers in 2Q 2022. Published Aug 12, 2022. Accessed Feb 21, 2023. Nielsen 2, High-demand sports and streaming content fuel a rise in total TV usage in January. Published Feb 2023. Accessed Feb 21, 2023. Peter SusicFrom a childhood fascination with sound, Peter’s passion has evolved into a relentless pursuit of the finest headphones. He’s an audio expert with over 5 years of experience in testing both audiophile and consumer-grade headphones. Quote: “After many years, I can confidently tell which headphones are good and which are terrible.” Find his honest opinion in his reviews.
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