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33+ Startling Screen Time Statistics: US vs. World (2025)

Last updated: 2 years ago
8 min read

Screens are everywhere, and people already spend an average of 6 hours and 37 minutes looking at them daily.

Do you know what country has the highest daily screen time? The answer will shock you. More on that later.

Discover in-depth statistics on:

  • What country has the highest screen time, and which one the lowest
  • How much time do we spend watching TV, smartphones, and computers
  • How did the pandemic influence screen time in adults and children

Let’s dig in.

Woman on a laptop

Average screen time

Average American screen time

Average screen time by country

How much screen time is too much?

Average screen time by age

Pandemic’s impact on screen time

Average mobile screen time

Average computer screen time

Average social media screen time

Eye-Opening Screen Time Statistics

  • Average worldwide screen time is 6 hours and 37 minutes, whereas the average American’s screen time clocks at 6 hours and 59 minutes.
  • 85% of Americans go online every day, with 31% of them being online constantly.
  • South Africans have the highest screen time at 9 hours and 38 minutes per day, whereas Japan has the lowest at 3 hours and 45 minutes.
  • On average, females have higher screen time except in the 35-44 age group, where males overtake them.
  • During the pandemic, the average screen time in primary-aged children rose by an additional 1.39 hours per day.
  • Indonesia has the highest phone screen time in the world at 5 hours and 39 minutes per day, whereas China has the lowest at 3 hours and 33 minutes.
  • On average, Americans check their phones every 4 minutes.
  • Nigerians spend the most time on social media, averaging 4 hours and 36 minutes per day, whereas the Japanese only spend 51 minutes.

What’s the Average Screen Time?

  • People’s average internet screen time is 6 hours and 37 minutes daily in January 2023.

In July 2022, the average was slightly higher at 6 hours and 49 minutes daily.

Average global screen time is 6 hours and 49 minutes per day

Screen time vastly changes in different countries.

Source: DataReportal (links to sources at the bottom)

What’s the average American screen time?

  • An average American spends 7 hours and 7 minutes looking at the screen in 2022.
Average daily screen time in the US

Here’s the table of average screen time in the US:

YearAverage American
screen time
20227h 7min
20217h 11min
20207h 18min
20197h 18min
20187h 19min
20177h 21min
20167h 13min
20156h 59min
20146h 52min
(Statista, eMarketer)
  • Screen time among US people is getting higher on mobile devices and lower on TV.
Average daily screen time in the US

Here’s a table of US screen time by device, mobile vs. TV:

YearScreen time
on mobile
Screen time
on TV
20203h 49min3h 29min
20193h 43min3h 35min
20183h 44min3h 35min
20173h 25min3h 56min
20163h 8min4h 5min
20152h 49min4h 10min
20142h 32min4h 20min
  • 85% of US adults go online every day.

31% are online almost constantly, whereas 48% go online only several times per day.

Here’s how often US adults go online:

How frequently
US adults go online
Percentage of
US adults
Almost always online31%
Several times per day48%
Once per day6%
Several times per week4%
Less often4%

Related: Patreon statistics

  • On average, US teenagers spend 7.5 hours in front of the screen daily.

Source: CDC

What’s the average screen time by country?

  • South Africans led the world with the most screen time per country, clocking at 10 hours and 4 minutes per day in January 2023.

On the other hand, in Japan, an average person spends only 3 hours and 45 minutes of daily screen time.

CountryAverage screen time
South Africa10h 4min
Brazil9h 32min
Philippines9h 14min
Argentina9h 1min
Colombia9h 1min
Chile8h 36min
Mexico8h 7min
Malaysia8h 6min
Thailand8h 6min
Russia7h 57min
Indonesia7h 42min
Egypt7h 41min
Portugal7h 37min
UAE7h 29min
Turkey7h 24min
Saudi Arabia7h 20min
Taiwan7h 14min
Israel7h 8min
Romania7h 3min
USA6h 59min
Singapore6h 59min
Poland6h 42min
Canada6h 35min
Hong Kong6h 26min
India6h 23min
Vietnam6h 23min
Czechia6h 13min
New Zealand6h 12min
Sweden6h 2min
Ireland5h 59min
Italy5h 55min
Australia5h 51min
UK5h 47min
Norway5h 46min
Spain5h 45min
Switzerland5h 38min
Belgium5h 27min
Netherlands5h 27min
France5h 26min
China5h 25min
Austria5h 22min
South Korea5h 21min
Germany5h 12min
Denmark4h 58min
Japan3h 45min

What country has the highest screen time?

  • South Africa holds first place in screen time, clocking at 10 hours and 4 minutes per day.

The Brazilians closely follow it with 9 hours and 32 minutes of daily screen time.

Source: DataReportal

How Much Screen Time is Too Much?

  • The recommended screen time worldwide is 2 hours a day for adults and children.
The recommended screen time is 2 hours per day

And kids under the age of 2 should have no screen time at all.

Sources: NIH, AAP

What are the most common consequences of too much screen time?

Too much screen time may lead to:

  • Lower grades in school
  • Reading fewer books
  • Less time with family and friends
  • Not enough outdoor or physical activity
  • Weight issues
  • Poorer self-control and emotional stability
  • Mood swings
  • Poor self-esteem and body image
  • Less time learning other ways to relax and have fun

Sources: AACAP, ScienceDirect

  • 32% of people state their behavior is influenced by the screen time they get.

However, the highest percentage of people still claim screen time doesn’t affect them.

Behavior is influenced
by screen time
Behavior is maybe
influenced by screen time
Behavior is NOT
influenced by screen time
  • 14- to 17-year-olds with more than 7-hour screen time are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety. 

Or have already been treated by a mental health professional.

Source: ScienceDirect

What’s the Average screen Time by Age?

Here’s the average screen time by age and gender in January 2023:

Age groupAvg. female
screen time
Avg. male
screen time
16-247h 28min7h 9min
25-347h 8min6h 56min
35-446h 30min6h 25min
45-546h 4min5h 54min
55-645h 19min5h 13min
(DataReportal 3)

Internet screen time growth

Internet screen time growth over time.

Internet screen time growth

A table of internet screen time growth by quarters:

Time periodScreen time growth
in that time period
Q2 2022 – Q3 20220%
Q1 2022 – Q2 2022-2.9%
Q4 2021 – Q1 2022-1%
Q3 2021 – Q4 2021-1%
Q3 2020 – Q3 2021+1%
Q3 2019 – Q3 2020+4%
Q3 2018 – Q3 2019-2.5%
Q3 2017 – Q3 2018+0.5%
Q3 2016 – Q3 2017+4.4%
Q3 2015 – Q3 2016+2.4%
Q3 2014 – Q3 2015-0.8%
Q3 2013 – Q3 2014+3.8%
(DataReportal) (DataReportal 2)

Read more about average internet usage here.

What age groups spend the most time in front of the screen?

  • Youngsters (ages 16-24) spend the most time on the internet in 2022.

An average user in that group clocks 7 hours and 36 minutes per day.

With age, internet time slowly declines.

Source: DataReportal

  • Elderly above 60 years are spending more time in front of the screens than 10 years ago.

At the beginning of the century, only 14% of the elderly were internet users. Now there are more than 75%, which shows why they spend more time online.

Also, more than 61% of the elderly are already smartphone users.

Sources: PEW 2, PEW 3, PEW 4

How Did the Pandemic Impact Screen Time?

  • During the pandemic, screen time has largely increased in primary-aged children, up to 1.39 hours on average.

Next were adults with a 0.96-hour increase.

Screen time increase during the pandemic

Table of screen time increase during pandemic:

Age groupScreen time increase
during pandemic
Leisure screen time
increase during pandemic
Adults+0.96 hours+0.72 hours
Adolescents +0.91 hours+0.48 hours
Primary-aged children+1.39 hours+1.04 hours
Young children+0.59 hours+0.61 hours
(The Lancet)
  • 51% of adults spend more time in front of the screens during the pandemic, while 7% reported a decrease.
Age groupReported
No changeDecrease
(The Lancet)
  • Screen time has increased worldwide during the pandemic by 12 minutes on average.
CountryScreen time
in January 2020
Screen time
in October 2020
Philippines9h 45min10h 2min+17min
South Africa9h 22min9h 39min+17min
Brazil9h 17min9h 34min+17min
Colombia9h 10min9h 26min+16min
Thailand9h 1min9h 17min+16min
Argentina8h 47min9h 3min+16min
Mexico8h 21min8h 36min+15min
Indonesia7h 59min8h 13min+14min
Malaysia7h 57min8h 11min+14min
Taiwan7h 57min8h 11min+14min
UK5h 28min5h 38min+10min
Switzerland5h 27min5h 37min+10min
Austria5h 25min5h 35min+10min
South Korea5h 22min5h 32min+10min
Belgium5h 9min5h 18min+9min
France5h 8min5h 17min+9min
Denmark5h 7min5h 16min+9min
Germany4h 52min5h 1min+9min
Netherlands4h 37min4h 45min+8min
Japan4h 22min4h 30min+8min
  • Around 76% of people between 16 and 24 increased their mobile usage during the pandemic.

Laptop usage increased by 45%, watching TV by 34%, and tablet time by 22%.

Source: Lenstore

  • The share of children that spent more than 6-7 hours in front of the screen increased by 13% during lockdowns.
Children's screen time before & during pandemic

Table of children’s daily screen time before & during pandemic:

Daily children’s
screen time
0-1 hours16%12%
2-3 hours44%19%
4-5 hours23%28%
6-7 hours7%20%
8-9 hours4%11%
9+ hours6%11%
(Statista 2) (Statista 3)

How did the pandemic impact screen time for kids and teenagers?

  • Gadget usage among children between the ages of 5 to 10 has increased by 27% during the pandemic.

Overall, the usage of electronics has increased by 23% among children aged 0-17.

Gadget usage before & during pandemic

Table of gadget usage before & during pandemic by age group:

Age groupGadget usage
before pandemic
Gadget usage
during pandemic
0-4 years13%26%
5-10 years17%44%
11-13 years23%47%
14-17 years32%62%
(eMarketer 2)

Average Mobile/Phone Screen Time in the US

  • On average, people spend 5 hours and 1 minute using smartphones in January 2023.
YearAverage daily
mobile screen time
5h 1min
20224h 48min
20214h 10min
20203h 40min
(DataReportal 3)

Average phone screen time by country

  • Indonesians use their mobile phones the most, clocking at 5 hours and 39 minutes daily in January 2023.

Closely followed by Brazilians at 5 hours and 19 minutes.

CountryAverage mobile
screen time
Indonesia5h 39min
Brazil5h 19min
Saudi Arabia5h 18min
Singapore5h 18min
South Korea4h 59min
Mexico4h 56min
Australia4h 54min
India4h 51min
Japan4h 48min
Thailand4h 40min
Canada4h 38min
USA4h 21min
Turkey4h 18min
UK4h 14min
France3h 52min
Argentina3h 51min
Germany3h 36min
China3h 33min
Worldwide5h 1min
(DataReportal 3)

How often do people check their phones?

  • In the US, people check their phones every 4 minutes.

That’s 344 times a day or 2,408 times a week.

Source: Reviews

  • Nearly 71% of Americans check their phone in the span of 10 minutes after waking up.

48% of people feel anxiety when their phone’s battery drops below 20%, while 74% of Americans don’t feel well leaving their phones at home.

  • 35% of people look at their phones while driving
  • 43% of people look at their phones during romantic dates

Source: Reviews

Average Computer Screen Time in the US

  • Americans spend 3 hours and 34 minutes daily browsing the web on a computer in 2022.
Average computer screen time in the US

Here’s the table of how much an average person spend in front of computer screens in the US:

YearAverage computer
screen time
20223h 34min
20213h 58min
20194h 7min
(DataReportal 3)

Average worldwide computer screen time

  • On average, people worldwide spend 42 minutes per day on computers.
YearAverage computer
screen time worldwide
(Statista 4)

Average Social Media Screen Time in the US

  • Americans spend 2 hours and 16 minutes browsing social media daily in 2023.

Worldwide, the number is slightly higher at 2 hours and 31 minutes per day.

Average social media screen time in the US vs. global

Here’s a table of the average social media screen time in the US vs. globally:

YearSocial media
screen time in the US
Social media
screen time worldwide
2h 16min2h 31min
20222h 14min2h 27min
20212h 7min2h 25min
20202h 3min2h 24min
20192h 4min2h 16min
(DataReportal 3)
  • Americans spend the most time checking Facebook.

They check Instagram almost half as much.

Daily usage
in minutes
(eMarketer 3)

Read more on social media addiction here.

Average social media screen time by country

  • Nigerians spend the most time on social media apps, whereas the Japanese spend the least in January 2023.
CountryAvg. social media
screen time
Nigeria4h 36min
Brazil3h 46min
South Africa3h 44min
Philippines3h 43min
Kenya3h 37min
Colombia3h 32min
Chile3h 28min
Ghana3h 28min
Mexico3h 21min
Indonesia3h 18min
Argentina3h 15min
Saudi Arabia3h 1min
Turkey2h 54min
Morocco2h 53min
India2h 50min
UAE2h 50min
Malaysia2h 47min
Thailand2h 44min
Romania2h 32min
Vietnam2h 32min
Egypt2h 29min
Portugal2h 25min
Russia2h 16min
USA2h 16min
New Zealand2h 15min
Singapore2h 13min
Israel2h 12min
Taiwan2h 6min
Canada2h 5min
Australia2h 4min
Poland2h 2min
China1h 59min
Sweden1h 58min
Ireland1h 56min
Norway1h 56min
UK1h 56min
France1h 55min
Greece1h 55min
Spain1h 55min
Czechia1h 53min
Hong Kong1h 52min
Italy1h 48min
Denmark1h 47min
Switzerland1h 43min
Germany1h 41min
Netherlands1h 39min
Austria1h 34min
Belgium1h 34min
South Korea1h 11min
Worldwide2h 31min
  • Females are more engaged in social media than males in all age groups.
Average social media screen time by gender & age group
This graph is showing the data from July 2022.

Here’s the table comparing female and male social media screen times in January 2023:

Age groupFemale social media
daily screen time
Male social media
daily screen time
16-24 years3h 11min2h 46min
25-34 years2h 56min2h 42min
35-44 years2h 33min2h 19min
45-54 years2h 8min1h 58min
55-64 years1h 40min1h 38min
(DataReportal 3)
  • Social media screen time has been slowly going up, increasing by 51.2% from 2013 to 2021.
Average global social media screen time

Here’s the table of social media screen times by year:

Quarter of
the year
Average social media
screen time
Q3 20222h 31min+2%
Q2 20222h 28min-0.7%
Q1 20222h 29min0%
Q4 20212h 29min+0.7%
Q3 20212h 27min+1.4%
Q3 20202h 25min0%
Q3 20192h 25min+2.1%
Q3 20182h 22min+5.2%
Q3 20172h 15min+5.5%
Q3 20162h 8min+15.3%
Q3 20151h 51min+5.7%
Q3 20141h 45min+8.2%
Q3 20131h 37min/
(DataReportal 3) (DataReportal 2)

How Do Americans Spend Screen Time?

  • Daily, an average American spends 2 hours and 13 minutes on social media, 3 hours watching TV, and 4 hours and 9 minutes on phone usage.

Average American daily screen time:

Social mediaTVPhone
2 hours and 16 minutes3 hours4 hours and 21 minutes
(DataReportal 3) (Statista 5)

Sources: DataReportal 3, Statista 5

Read more:

Conclusion: Screen Time Statistics

These were the most in-depth screen time statistics. It’s quite fascinating how much time we spend in front of the screen without knowing it.

Screen time also vastly varies between countries and demographics. Even pandemics can negatively impact screen time, especially in children.

What is your daily screen time? Did it increase during the pandemic? What contributes to your screen time the most: work, social media, TV?

Please let us know in the comments.

Sources: DataReportal, DataReportal 2, DataReportal 3, Statista, Statista 2, Statista 3, Statista 4, Statista 5, eMarketer, eMarketer 2, eMarketer 3, Pew, Pew 2, Pew 3, Pew 4, CDC, NIH, AAP, AACAP, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate, The Lancet, Lenstore, Reviews

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