Anime popularity is snowballing. International sales have surpassed Japan’s for the first time in history. But how many people watch anime today? Some estimates say more than a third of the world population, or 2.88 billion people, watch anime. We look into more data on its popularity, anime industry, growth, demographics, and more below. Key Anime Statistics (Top Picks) 36% (or 2.88 billion) of viewers worldwide enjoyed watching anime in 2021. Over 100 million households globally watched at least 1 anime title on Netflix in 2020. Anime is the 3rd most in-demand subgenre worldwide, with a 5.5% demand share. Around 33% of American adults have a favorable impression of anime. Around 33% of the Japanese said they often watch anime or read manga. Almost 90% of young Japanese said they watch anime. Detective Conan is the most popular anime of all time. The anime industry reached 2.74 trillion yen ($24.1 billion) in 2021. The Japanese Media Arts Database has over 136,700 different titles under the animation category in 2022. How many people watch anime? How popular is anime in America? How popular is anime in Japan? What is the most popular anime of all time? How much is the anime industry worth? How many anime are there in the world? How many people watch anime? Over 100 million homes worldwide had watched at least 1 anime title on Netflix in 2020. (Netflix) This was an increase of 50% from the previous year. The demand for Japanese anime is growing each year as other countries apart from Japan discover the genre. More on how many people watch anime down below. Anime is the 3rd most in-demand subgenre worldwide, with a 5.5% demand share. (ParrotAnalytics 1) It’s only surpassed by the even more popular crime drama (8.4% demand) and sitcom (6.2% demand) subgenres. Romantic drama, school children subgenre, and comedy drama follow with 3.6%, 3.6%, and 3.5% demand, respectively. Top subgenres globallyShare of demandCrime drama8.4%Sitcom6.2%Anime5.5%Romantic drama3.6%School children3.6%Comedy drama3.5%source: ParrotAnalytics What percentage of the world watches anime? 36% of viewers worldwide enjoyed watching anime in 2021, according to Ampere Consumer data. (Ampere Analysis) This was a 50% increase from 2018, when 24% of viewers enjoyed anime. Assuming an 8 billion world population, that means 2.88 billion people watch anime How popular is anime in America? Around 33% of American adults have a favorable impression of anime. (MorningConsult) Here’s the data from the Morning Consult polls from 2020 and 2021: US Adult impression of anime% (number)in 2020% (number)in 2021Veryfavorable11% (240)15% (324)Somewhatfavorable20% (434)18% (398)Somewhatunfavorable17% (378)19% (410)Veryunfavorable23% (500)27% (587)Heard of, noopinion18% (406)15% (332)Never heard of11% (242)7% (148)MorningConsult 1 & 2 poll, N=2200 How popular is anime in Japan? Anime in Japan is a bit more popular, according to a 2021 survey: According to a Nippon Research Center survey, around 33% of the Japanese said they often watch anime or read manga. This is not much higher than in the US, but the question was worded slightly differently. The American survey asked for the opinion on anime, while the Japanese survey asked if you often watch anime. On the other hand, anime seems popular among a younger audience. 88.6% of high school students and 88.5% of university students said they watch anime. (Statista 1) Is anime more popular in Japan or America? Anime is far more popular in Japan, but the United States is the biggest international market, far bigger than the second Philippines. (Parrot Analytics 2) Countries outside JapanAnime demand per 100 capitaUSA0.95Philippines0.38France0.31Mexico0.31source: Parrot Analytics More people say they watch anime in Japan at 75.87% compared to America’s 71.86%. What percentage of Gen Z watches anime? Over 50% of Generation Z watches anime in the US. According to the Morning Consult poll, 53% of Gen Z-ers have a very favorable or somewhat favorable impression of anime. Here’s what Gen Z thinks about Japanese anime: Gen Z’s impression of anime% in 2020% in 2021Veryfavorable35%36%Somewhatfavorable17%17%Somewhatunfavorable16%16%Veryunfavorable22%15%Heard of, noopinion8%11%Never heard of1%5%source: MorningConsult 1 & 2 polls And here’s more data on screen time: General screen time data Screen time of kids and teens Anime popularity by country Top 50 countries by anime popularity: Mongolia Myanmar Philippines Bolivia Vietnam Nepal Cuba Jamaica Cambodia El Salvador Nicaragua Malaysia Indonesia Panama Peru Honduras Guatemala Ecuador Thailand Costa Rica Paraguay Bangladesh Morocco Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Algeria Mexico Chile Georgia Tunisia Serbia Venezuela Brazil Colombia Singapore France Romania Argentina India Uruguay Iraq Portugal Canada Sri Lanka United States New Zealand South Africa Pakistan Belgium Nigeria (source: Analysis of Google Trends data on “anime” keyword) Anime demographics: Who watches the most anime? 41% of males like anime compared to 26% of females, according to a US survey. (MorningConsult 2) The gender differences can also be seen in the percentage of those who said they’ve never heard of Japanese anime. 9% of females said they had never heard of anime, while 5% of males said the same. Here are more anime demographics by politics, education, ethnicity, and income (MorningConsult 2). Opinion of anime by politics: IdeologyFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinionLiberal40%43%17%Moderate35%43%21%Conservative27%50%28% Liberals enjoy anime more than conservatives, and they’re also more knowledgeable about it. Opinion of anime by education: EducationFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinion< College32%44%23%Bachelors degree34%46%20%Post-grad33%51%17% Opinion of anime by ethnicity: EthnicityFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinionWhite28%50%22%Hispanic45%38%17%African American47%33%20%Other55%23%22% Opinion of anime by income: IncomeFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinion< 50k34%43%23%50k-100k29%48%22%100k+37%48%15% What age group watches anime? What age groups and what generations like anime the most? AgeFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinion18-3450%35%14%35-4441%42%17%45-6424%55%21%65+15%46%39% GenerationFavorableUnfavorableNever heard ofNo opinionGen Z53%31%16%Millennials47%38%14%Gen X31%51%17%Boomers17%54%30% Younger generations favor the genre a lot more as seen in the table above. What is the most popular anime of all time (Top 5)? According to a 2021 Japan survey, these are the most popular, well-known anime: RankTitle#1Detective Conan#2Dragon Ball#3Demon Slayer#4Lupin III#5One piece The titles above were known by over 70% of asked respondents meaning they have the widest popularity. We can assume they’re also the most-watched anime. On the other hand, looking at more worldwide opinions from 7,017 respondents from IMDb, Attack on Titan was the highest-voted anime. Other animes are: RankTitleVotes#1Attack on Titan1,048#2Death Note1,042#3Cowboy Bebop978#4Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood907#5One piece474(IMDb) What was the most popular anime in 2022? In 2022, Sky x Family was the most-streamed anime in Japan, with Demon Slayer holding the second place. (GEM Standard) Demon Slayer was the most popular and most successful anime in 2021. It grossed $232 million in 1 year through video streaming, box office, manga, and other means. Demon Slayer: Mugen Train (Kimetsu no Yaiba The Movie) is the highest-grossing anime movie of all time. (ANIME Galaxy) What was the most popular anime in 2020? Considering the top 10 rankings on Netflix Japan for 2020, A Whisker Away is the most popular Japanese anime in 2020. (Netflix Top 10) How many anime are there in the world? There’s no exact number, but the Japanese Media Arts Database has over 136,700 different titles under the animation category in 2022. New titles are produced yearly, so this number is growing by at least a couple thousand each year. The government of Japan’s database is run by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. It’s kept up to date by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, so it’s a solid source. How much is the anime industry worth? According to AJA reports, the anime industry reached 2.74 trillion yen ($24.1 billion) in 2021. (The Association of Japanese Animations) That’s a 12.7% increase over the previous year, which was highly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, the industry released 73 anime movies, the same as in 2014 but much less than in 2019 (91 movies). The number of minutes has slightly risen from 5,166 minutes to 6,057 minutes, a 17.2% increase. The COVID-19 situation from 2020 had mellowed down, but its effects were still showing. AJA stands for The Association of Japanese Animations consisting of 52 Japanese animation production companies. PrecedenceResearch estimates the global anime market size will hit US$48.3 billion by 2030. Here’s the data on how much money anime makes. Size of the Japanese anime industry from 2010 onward: YearYen (JPY)US Dollar (USD)2021¥2.74 trillion$24.1 billion2020¥2.43 trillion$22.5 billion2019¥2.51 trillion$23 billion2018¥2.18 trillion$19.7 billion2017¥2.14 trillion$18.7 billion2016¥1.99 trillion$18.3 billion2015¥1.83 trillion$15.1 billion2014¥1.64 trillion$15.5 billion2013¥1.48 trillion$15.1 billion2012¥1.34 trillion$17.8 billion2011¥1.34 trillion$16.8 billion2010¥1.32 trillion$15 billionsource: AJA, USD in the avg. exchange rate for the year The estimates for 2022 claim the anime industry is worth from $25.8 billion to $28.6 billion. But the exact numbers will be known later. P.S. This is data from the latest reports as of March 2023. We’ll update the stats as soon as new ones come out. Anime industry growth The anime industry grew at an average rate of 6.43% per year for the last 10 years. It’s expected to grow at an annual rate of 9.7% CAGR. PrecedenceResearch estimates the global anime market growth rate at 7.9% CAGR until 2030. In 2021, it has risen by 12.7%. The increase from 2.43 trillion yen to 2.74 trillion yen shows the industry’s recovery after the first years of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s the tabled data on the anime industry growth rate per year: YearGlobal anime market growth rate202112.7%2020-3.2%201915.1%20181.9%20177.5%20168.7%201511.6%201410.8%201310.4%20120%20111.5%source: AJA Industry Reports AJA claims that the industry has lost its momentum and that the global streaming market has reached its peak. How big is the anime industry in Japan? The Japanese anime industry created approximately 1.43 trillion yen in 2021, which is 52.2% or more than half of the total revenue. (The Association of Japanese Animations) Overseas (the rest of the world) created 1.24 trillion yen in 2020, which is more than in Japan for the first time (51% revenue). In 2021, the international numbers have increased to 1.31 trillion yen (47.8% revenue). Japanese anime is quickly rising in popularity worldwide, contributing to the recent record overseas sales. Which anime segments bring in the most revenue? SegmentRevenue sharein 2020Revenue sharein 2021Overseas51%47.8%Merchandising24%24.2%Pachinko and the like11%11.2%Internet Distribution3.8%5.6%TV3.5%3.3%Movie2.5%2.3%Video1.9%2.4%Live Entertainment1.2%2.1%Music1.1%1.1%source: The Association of Japanese Animations You would assume internet distribution would bring in more revenue, but it contributes less than 4% in Japan. Unfortunately, we don’t know how the segments are divided in the “overseas” category. What is the biggest anime company? Toei Animation is the biggest anime company according to over 700 different anime titles to their name. There are many big anime production companies like: Madhouse, Ghibli Studios, Sunrise, Aniplex, NHK, just to name a few. Manga industry statistics 24.4 million Manga units were sold in the US in 2021. There was an increase of 15 million or 160% from the previous year when 9.4 million units were sold. The Manga comics sales in Japan in 2021 were 676 billion yen. That’s up 9.3% from the previous year and the 4th consecutive growth year. Manga comics are an essential part of anime as most of the animation is based on their stories. Manga demographics Manga is mostly read by young men. Manga readers’ gender: 90% male, 10% female. Revealed for V Jump manga magazine (Media Guide 2019). Manga readers by age group: Here’s a table of manga readers by age group: Age groupShare25 years old or older27.4%19-24 years old25.8%16-18 years old17.6%13-15 years old16.4%10-12 years old9.6%9 years old or younger3.2%source: Media Guide 2021 How many subscribers does Funimation have? Funimation was estimated to have over 3 million subscribers before the merger with Crunchyroll. The numbers were an estimate. The exact numbers were unknown as Funimation didn’t disclose their numbers. How many subscribers does Crunchyroll have? Crunchyroll has over 5 million paid subscribers and 120 million registered users. The last milestone news from Crunchyroll celebrated 5 million subs. While Ampere Analysis estimate the number is around 8 million now, there is no official data. (Crunchyroll) Growth of Crunchyroll subscribers: They stream over 1000 different titles in over 30,000 episodes as of August 2021. Their database and subscribers are constantly growing bigger. Sony bought Crunchyroll from AT&T and WarnerMedia for US$1.175 billion in 2021. Here’s a table of Crunchyroll subscribers per year: YearCrunchyroll subscribers20228 million (estimate)20215 million20203 million20182 million20171 million20150.75 million (750k)20140.4 million (400k)20130.2 million (200k)20120.1 million (100k) Also: How many subscribers does HBO Max have? Anime Facts & Trivia About 60% of all anime is made in Japan. A Guinness World Record: The longest broadcasting animation in the world, “Sazae-san,” has over 7,000 episodes from 1969, when it started. Another Guinness World Record anime series with the most number of characters is “Anpanman,” with 1,768 different characters in 980 episodes. The first for-profit animation in Japan was made in 1917. The animation industry has more than 430 production studios. The biggest among them are Studio Ghibli, Production IG, and Toei Animation. (Encyclopedia Japan) Read more: Music industry statistics Audiobook statistics Conclusion These were the latest anime market statistics. We’re waiting on future reports that will give us more data on the anime market size for the future years. What do you think about anime? Do you expect the animation industry to flourish in international markets? Let us know in the comments below. Sources: Expand the list: Netflix Parrot Analytics 1 Ampere Analysis MorningConsult 1 MorningConsult 2 Statista 1 Parrot Analytics 2 Anime Galaxy Netflix Top 10 The Association of Japanese Animations Crunchyroll Media Guide 2019 Media Guide 2021 Encyclopedia Japan GEM Standard IMDb Matija FerjanMatija Ferjan is a seasoned audio enthusiast reviewing headphones since 2015. He has personally tested hundreds of headphones and earbuds. He’s an active member of the Headphone Audio community and a true nitpicker, always looking for the “best-value-for-money” headphones.
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