Rocket League is one of those games that remain popular long after its release. On average, 89,558,263 players played it every month in 2022. In this Rocket League facts article, you’ll learn: How many monthly, yearly, and concurrent players does Rocket League have What it takes to become the highest-ranking player How much did Rocket League developers earn from the popular game Did you know it takes thousands of hours to become the best Rocket League player? More on that later. How many people play Rocket League Rocket League monthly active players The highest number of concurrent Rocket League players Rocket League rank distribution What is the average Rocket League rank Rocket League average hours per rank Who has the most hours in Rocket League Rocket League revenue Rocket League demographics Rocket League Facts On average, less than 90 million people play Rocket League every month across all gaming platforms in 2022, with 25,849 average monthly players coming from Steam. 5,970,069 is the peak concurrent number of players, reached in July 2021. On the other hand, Steam reached its peak number of concurrent players in September 2020, with 146,902 players. It takes around 3000 gameplay hours to reach Supersonic Legend, the highest Rocket League rank. Cumulative Rocket League revenue is estimated to around $360 million by 2020. Most Rocket League players come from the US (23.95%). How many people play Rocket League? Per monthly average, 89,558,263 people play Rocket League in 2022. Here’s a table with the average monthly Rocket League players per year: YearAverage monthlyRocket Leagueplayer countGrowth202289,558,263-5.8%202195,078,327+24.2%202076,570,424+59.8%201947,908,110/(ActivePlayer) Rocket League monthly active players 87,502,590 people played Rocket League in January 2023. Here’s how the number of monthly active players across all gaming platforms changed throughout 2022: MonthAverage monthlyplayers on allgaming platformsGrowthJanuary 30, 202287,502,590+0.6%December 30, 202286,995,014-0.3%November 30, 202287,233,560+0.2%October 30, 202287,055,456+0.2%September 30, 202286,855,016-0.1%August 30, 202286,908,870+0.2%July 30, 202286,689,801-3.4%June 30, 202289,780,866+0.2%May 30, 202289,554,016-1.8%April 30, 202291,205,443-0.9%March 30, 202292,021,146-3.1%February 30, 202294,985,570-0.4%January 30, 202295,414,406+3.6%December 30, 202192,055,144-5.0%November 30, 202196,955,401+2.0%October 30, 202195,021,447-2.1%September 30, 202197,031,105-1.6%August 30, 202198,601,147-0.9%July 30, 202199,501,147(ActivePlayer) On Steam, an average of 26,750 users played Rocket League in January 2022. The highest number of concurrent players that month was 49,438. Here’s how the number of monthly active players on Steam changed throughout last 2 years: MonthAverage monthlyplayers on SteamGrowthJanuary 202326,750+4.2%December 202225,661+14.5%November 202222,400-2.9%October 202223,062-8%September 202225,067+7.6%August 202223,288-4.3%July 202224,350-2.6%June 202224,991+1.2%May 202224,702-5.3%April 202226,090+0.6%March 202225,939-5.9%February 202227,560-10.1%January 202230,659+0.2%December 202130,590-5.7%November 202132,455+1.2%October 202132,074-3.2%September 202133,150-9.7%August 202136,724+1.5%July 202136,164-8.6%June 202139,573-12.7%May 202145,315(Steam) Rocket League peak daily players Rocket League has an average of 5,518,653 peak daily players in 2022. Here’s the average number of peak daily players across all year: YearAverage number ofpeak daily players20225,518,65320215,704,69920204,591,725(ActivePlayer) The highest number of concurrent Rocket League players The highest number of concurrent Rocket League players was 5,970,069 in July 2021. The table shows the highest number of concurrent players for each month from January 2023 to April 2021: MonthNumber of concurrentRocket League playersGrowthJanuary 20235,833,506+0.6%December 20225,799,668-0.3%November 20225,815,571+0.2%October 20225,803,697+11.4%September 20225,211,301-0.1%August 20225,214,532+0.2%July 20225,201,388-3.4%June 20225,386,852+0.2%May 20225,373,241-1.8%April 20225,472,327-0.9%March 20225,521,269-3.1%February 20225,699,134-0.4%January 20225,724,864-1.7%December 20215,823,309+0.1%November 20215,817,324+2.0%October 20215,701,287-2.1%September 20215,821,866-1.6%August 20215,916,069-0.9%July 20215,970,069+3.6%June 20215,759,314+2.0%May 20215,646,869-0.9%April 20215,700,688/(ActivePlayer) Rocket League’s popularity peaked in September 2020, with 146,902 concurrent players on Steam. The game’s popularity is slowly fading away, with 47,310 peak concurrent gamers in September 2022 and 49,438 in January 2023. Here’s a comparison of peak concurrent Rocket League players for September each year: MonthNumber ofpeak concurrentplayers on SteamGrowthJanuary 202349,438+4.5%September 202247,310-26.1%September 202164,001-56.4%September 2020146,902+146.9%September 201959,529-21.5%September 201875,882+8.0%September 201770,230-11.4%September 201679,304+130.6%September 201534,391/(Steam Charts) Rocket League total players Rocket League surpassed 75 million players across all platforms in July 2020. (VGChartz) In 2018, Rocket League announced they had 40 million players, 7 million more than a year before, indicating good reception among Nintendo Switch users, who were finally able to play the game on their portable console. (Twitter, Nintendolife) In July 2017, the game officially had 33 million players worldwide. (Rocket League) YearNumber of RocketLeague playersGrowthJuly202075 million+87.5%201840 million+21.2%July201733 million+120%201615 million(VGChartz, Twitter, Nintendolife, Rocket League, Forbes) Rocket League streams have an average of 15.6 thousand concurrent monthly viewers on Twitch in 2022. On the other hand, there are an average of 169.8 thousand concurrent Rocket League viewers. YearAverage concurrentmonthly Twitch viewersAverage peak monthlyviews on Twitch202215.6 thousand169.8 thousand202122.9 thousand163.9 thousand202015.9 thousand139.2 thousand20196.6 thousand94 thousand20185.6 thousand87.6 thousand(TwitchTracker) Rocket League rank distribution Rocket League consists of 23 ranks, 9 tiers, 8 experience levels, and 4 divisions. Here is the distribution of all 4 groups from the highest to the lowest: Tiers: Supersonic Legend Grand Champion Champion Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Unranked Divisions: Division IV Division III Division II Division I All Ranks: Supersonic Legend Grand Champion III Grand Champion II Grand Champion I Champion III Champion II Champion I Diamond III Diamond II Diamond I Platinum III Platinum II Platinum I Gold III Gold II Gold I Silver III Silver II Silver I Bronze III Bronze II Bronze I Unranked (Epic Games) Experience levels: Levels 74+ – Rocketeer Level 60-73 – Legend Level 50-59 – Master Level 40-49 – Expert Level 30-39 – Veteran Level 20-29 – Pro Level 10-19 – Semi-Pro Level 1-9 – Rookie (eSports) According to EarlyGame, only 0.09% of the Rocket League player base in 1v1 Ranked Dual has ranked a Supersonic Legend. Most players have reached Platinum I and Platinum II ranks. After the launch of Season 9 in December 2022, the rank numbers have changed a little. Here’s the distribution of ranks among Rocket League players in 1v1 mode: RankNumber of playersthat have that rankPercentage of playerwith that rankSupersonicLegend6340.09%GrandChampion III8080.12%GrandChampion II1,0220.15%GrandChampion I1,7870.27%Champion III3,5980.54%Champion II6,0270,90%Champion I11,0301.65%Diamond III20,5453.07%Diamond II34,6425.17%Diamond I56,2398.39%Platinum III80,41612.00%Platinum II99,52114.86%Platinum I102,54115.31%Gold III79,84811.92%Gold II54,5378.14%Gold I31,9904.78%Silver III15,3782.30%Silver II7,1831.07%Silver I2,8520.43%Bronze III1,1080.17%Bronze II4040.06%Bronze I1820.03%Unranked57,6408.60%(EarlyGame) Interestingly, there is only one Supersonic Legend in 2v2 Rocket League player mode. But there are more players that rank higher than in 1v1, reaching Diamond III and Champion I ranks. Here’s the distribution of ranks among Rocket League players in 2v2 mode: RankNumber of playersthat have that rankPercentage of playerwith that rankSupersonicLegend10,00%GrandChampion III740.01%GrandChampion II2,5830.36%GrandChampion I27,0783.72%Champion III46,5156.40%Champion II76,55910.53%Champion I133,45518.35%Diamond III105,46814.50%Diamond II101,20213.92%Diamond I91,55112.59%Platinum III48,6896.69%Platinum II33,6464.63%Platinum I20,0892.76%Gold III11,4251.57%Gold II6,2200.86%Gold I3,2030.44%Silver III1,5290.21%Silver II6740.09%Silver I3190.04%Bronze III1450.02%Bronze II520.01%Bronze I350.00%Unranked16,7392.30%(EarlyGame) In the 3v3 player mode, the ranks of Diamond I and Diamond II are the most occupied. However, the number of players in this mode is noticeably lower compared to the other two modes. Here’s the distribution of ranks among Rocket League players in 3v3 mode: RankNumber of playersthat have that rankPercentage of playerwith that rankSupersonicLegend00.00%GrandChampion III2540.04%GrandChampion II6,0890.84%GrandChampion I10,7091.48%Champion III19,1592.65%Champion II33,9004.69%Champion I63,0908.72%Diamond III63,6068.79%Diamond II76,44610.57%Diamond I88,36112.21%Platinum III69,1199.55%Platinum II66,4959.19%Platinum I61,9618.56%Gold III50,2946.95%Gold II37,7925.22%Gold I25,0253.46%Silver III13,7941.91%Silver II6,9010.95%Silver I2,8650.40%Bronze III1,0800.15%Bronze II3770.05%Bronze I1630.02%Unranked26,0463.60%(EarlyGame) What’s the average Rocket League rank? Platinum I is the average rank among all 3 gaming modes in Rocket League. Gaming modes are 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3. (Global Gaming) However, the rank of most players depends on the gaming mode. Most players in 1v1 mode rank Platinum I or Platinum II. In 2v2, the occupied ranks are Diamond III or Champion I, whereas 3v3 mode has the most players ranking Diamond I or Diamond II. Gaming modeRanks withthe most players1v1Platinum I& Platinum II2v2Diamond III& Champion I3v3Diamond I& Diamond II(EarlyGame) Rocket League average hours per rank On average, it takes up to 3000 hours to reach the Supersonic Legend rank in Rocket League. Of course, achieving ranks highly depends on the player’s skill and how many hours he/she devotes to training. Some have invested only around 1300 hours and already possess Grand Champion rank (which would otherwise take at least 2000 hours of gameplay. To compete for awards professional esports players put in even higher hours. (Steam Community) Here are the average playtimes for each ranking: Here’s a breakdown of average playtime needed to get to a Rocket League rank: RankAverage hours neededto reach a rankBronze0 – 150 hoursSilver150 – 300 hoursGold300 – 500 hoursPlatinum500 – 800 hoursDiamond800 – 1,200 hoursChampion1,200 – 2,000 hoursGrandChampion2,000 – 3,000 hoursSupersonicLegend3000+ hours(GamersRdy) How much people play Rocket League? The average playtime for Rocket League is 315 hours and 32 minutes. Around 90% of players played the game for at least 17 hours and 23 minutes, but only the most dedicated 10% played it for more than 1,527 hours. Percentageof playersMinimalplaytime90%17h 23min75%76h 11min50%315h 32min25%812h 41min10%1,527h 1min(HowLongIs) Players that enjoy Rocket League play it for an average of 320 hours and 26 minutes before leaving a positive review. On the other hand, players that leave negative feedback have an average of 273 hours and 26 minutes of playtime. ReviewNo. of playersleaving a reviewAverageplaytimePositive497,399320h 26 minNegative59,056273h 26 min(HowLongIs) Who has the most hours in Rocket League? Steam user “Daddy Ti Rone” has the most hours in the game, clocking at more than 1,714,928 hours of Rocket League gameplay. This is only the data from Steam users. Since consoles are the most popular platform for playing Rocket League, other users could rank even higher. Steam IDPlaytime(in hours)CountryPlaytimeworld rankCountryrankDaddy Ti Rone59,347UK1.1.4our51,051Australia2.1.Zenoxyde48,668Argentina3.1.maginson45,359Slovakia4.1.Gijnez ॐ39,671Isle ofMan5.1.bkassassins38,616Brazil6.1.iHacked38,072Denmark7.1.schwagerik37,383Slovakia8.1.bygalacos36,677Turkey9.1.TheRhanderson35,492Brazil10.2.(Steamladder) Disclaimer: the playtime for Rocket League is tracked by Steam ID. More than 1 player can potentially use the same ID. Rocket League downloads More than 40 million people downloaded Rocket League in the first 5 years of its release. On the other hand, the Rocket League Sideswipe, a mobile version of the popular title, generated more than 20 million downloads in just 40 days after release. (App Annie) Rocket League revenue The cumulative Rocket League sales revenue reached around $360 million by 2020. According to Forbes, the cumulative Rocket League revenue was $110 million in 2016. Since then, the game had sold more copies and ended up being sold to Epic on May 2019 and made Free to Play on September 23, 2020. The number of downloads and players playing Rocket League soared after it was made free-to-play, but we don’t know how that impacted its revenue stream. Here’s a table with estimated Rocket League revenue up to the 2020 when it was made free to play. YearCumulativeRevenueCumulativecopies sold2020$360 million18 million+2019$270 million13.5 million+2018$195 million10 million+ DLCs sales2017$150 million7.5 million+2016$110 million5 million+ copies+ 5 million DLCs2015$70 million4 million+(Source: Forbes and estimates based on Forbes data) Rocket League sold 18.4 million copies, according to VG Insights. However, due to the request from the publisher, the game is no longer available on Steam. Possibly because another game store, Epic Games Store, acquired it. (VG Insights) Rocket League demographics Most Rocket League players (23.95%) come from the US. Followed by Germans, representing 7.54% of the player base. CountryShare of RocketLeague playersUSA23.95%Germany7.54%UK6.39%France5.11%Brazil5.01%Rest ofthe world52%(PlayerCounter) Most Rocket League players (41%) came from PlayStation 4 in 2017. GamingplatformShare in 2017Share in 2016PlayStation 441%42%Xbox One32%22%Steam27%36%(Games Industry, Forbes) According to a poll, over 90% of Rocket League players are male. GenderShare of RocketLeague playersMale90.8%Female9.2%(Amino) Read more: Among Us Statistics: How Many People Play the Game? World of Warcraft Player Count & Subscription Numbers Mobile Gaming Statistics Destiny 2 Player Count Conclusion We hope you’ve found everything that you wanted and more in our Rocket League statistics article. While the gameplay is quite repetitive, it’s also very addictive, which explains why so many still play Rocket League even after 7 years after the release. And since it’s now free-to-play, many more people will want to try it out. Are you among those players? How many hours have you invested in Rocket League? What rank are you currently holding? Please let us know in the comments. Sources: ActivePlayer, Steam Charts, VGChartz, Twitter, Nintendolife, Rocket League, Forbes, eSports, Epic Games, Global Gaming, Early Game, Steam Community, GamersRdy, Steamladder, App Annie, PlayerCounter, Games Industry, TwitchTracker, VG Insights Peter SusicFrom a childhood fascination with sound, Peter’s passion has evolved into a relentless pursuit of the finest headphones. He’s an audio expert with over 5 years of experience in testing both audiophile and consumer-grade headphones. Quote: “After many years, I can confidently tell which headphones are good and which are terrible.” Find his honest opinion in his reviews.
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