There are around 3.04 billion gamers worldwide, with an average age of 33 years (34 years for females). In this article, you will learn the latest statistics on: How many gamers are in various regions, their age, and gender distribution Demographic differences between PC, PlayStation, and Xbox gamers How much time do gamers spend playing gamer per week in different countries Did you know that Asian gamers represent 55% of all gamers in the world? Learn more below. Average age of gamers How many people play video games? What country plays the most video games? What percentage of gamers are females? Gamer demographics by platform Average time spent playing video games Major Gamer Demographics Overview The average American gamer is 33 years old, 31.3 for Europeans, and 34 for Australian gamers. While the average age for eSports players is 24 years, professional Overwatch players usually retire when they hit 23 years. Out of 3.2 billion gamers worldwide in 2021, 226.6 million came from the US, 408 million from Europe, and 1.6 billion from Asia. Almost half of the gamers in both the US and Europe represent female players. Globally, there are 1.8 billion PC, 151.4 million PlayStation, and 63.7 million Xbox gamers. The average gamer spends 8 hours and 27 minutes per week playing games. The Average Age of Gamers The average gamer in the US is 33 years old. This number mostly stayed the same in the past four years, with the exception of 2020, where most gamers were between 35-44 years old (39.5 on average). While the ESA report doesn’t explain the age difference, it could be that due to pandemic and people staying home, more older players decided to play games to pass time. The table shows the average age of an American gamer between 2022 and 2018: YearGamers’ average age202233 years202131 years202039.5 years201933 years201834 years(ESA, ESA 2, ESA 3, ESA 4, ESA 5) What’s fascinating is that, on average, female gamers are older than males. Here’s a quick comparison of average ages between the genders: YearAverage age ofa FEMALE gamerAverage age ofa MALE gamer201934 years32 years201836 years32 years(ESA 4, ESA 5) Gamers by age: Gamer age distribution American gamers between the ages of 18 and 34 represent the largest group in the US at 36%. Adolescent players come second at 24% share. Here’s a more detailed view of gamer age distribution between 2022 and 2020: Age groupUS gamer agedistributionin 2022in 2021in 2020Under 18 years24%20%21%18-34 years36%38%38%35-44 years13%14%/35-54 years//26%45-54 years12%12%/55-64 years9%9%9%65+ years6%7%6%(ESA, ESA 2, ESA 3) Interestingly, the European data shows the biggest group of gamers comes from the 45-to-64 age group. While that seems strange, based on Europe’s population data from 2022, the 33-61 age group is the most prevalent, which would explain this statistical anomaly. Here’s a detailed view of age distribution among European gamers: Age groupEU gamer agedistributionin 2021in 2020in 20196-14 years17%18%19%15-24 years22%22%23%25-34 years20%20%20%35-44 years16%16%16%45-64 years24%23%22%(ISFE, ISFE 2, ISFE 3) Looking a bit deeper, depending on the European country, either the 25-34 or 35-44 age group has the biggest share of gamers, but older gamers above 45 years are still holding a large share. The table shows the age distribution of gamers from the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, and France in 2021: Age groupUKSpainGermanyFranceItaly18-24 years21.3%14.9%17.8%19.4%24%25-34 years32.9%25.2%25.9%31.6%30.7%35-44 years26.4%31.1%28.6%25.7%24.6%45-64 years19.4%28.8%27.7%23.3%20.8%(Statista) What is the average gamer age in Europe, Asia, & Oceania Average European gamers are slightly younger at 31.3 years of age. The average age for female gamers in the EU is 32 years. YearAverage agefor a gamer inthe EU (overall)Average agefor a FEMALEgamer in the EU202131.3 years32 years202031.3 years32 years201931 years/201831 years/(ISFE, ISFE 2, ISFE 3, ISFE 4) Meanwhile, 34 years was the average age for gamers in Australia in 2018. Interestingly, 42% of older Australians aged 65+ years considered themselves gamers. (IGEA) In 2019, the 18-to-25-year-olds represented the biggest group of gamers in China. (Statista 2) What age group plays the most video games Generally, people between the ages of 18 to 34 are the likeliest to play video games in: US EU China How many adults play video games According to ESA, 76% or 63.3 million American gamers in 2022 are older than 18. In 2020, there were 79% of adult gamers in the US, or 169.06 million gamers (considering there were roughly 214 million gamers in the US in 2020). Here’s you can see how many adult gamers were in the US between 2022 and 2018 and how that number compares to the total number of US gamers: YearNumber of adult US gamersPercentage of adult US gamerscompared to all US gamers2022163.3 million76%2021181.6 million80%2020169.06 million79%2019165.91 millionn/a2018125.1 million70%(ESA, ESA 2, ESA 3, ESA 4, Axios, Newzoo, Data Center) The average age of esports gamers The average male esports player is 24 years old. The average age for female esports players is slightly higher at 27 years. (EGIN) That’s still relatively high. The average players’ age in Call of Duty League is 22 years, whereas Overwatch League players are even younger at 20 years on average. On the other hand, the average League of Legends professional player is around 26 years old. eSports leagueAverage eSports gamer ageCall of Duty League22 yearsOverwatch League20 yearsLeague of Legends League26 years(Washington Post, TGG) Even more fascinating is that gamers in the competitive video gaming world retire very soon. Few are older than 30. For example, the median retirement age in Call of Duty League is 26 years, with Overwatch League players retiring at an average of 23 years. (Washington Post, TGG) How Many People Play Video Games Around 3.2 billion people played video games in 2021. It’s estimated that the number will go down to 3.04 billion by the end of 2022, which is even lower than the number of video game players in 2020. That means 38% of the world’s population are gamers in 2022. In 2021, the percentage was higher at 40.96%. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of gamer numbers worldwide: YearNumber of gamers worldwidePercentage basedon the entire humanpopulation that year20243.46 billion (estimated)n/a20233.26 billion (estimated)n/a20223.04 billion (estimated)38%20213.21 billion40.9%20203.05 billion39.3%20192.62 billion34.1%20182.49 billion32.6%20172.39 billion31.8%(Statista 3) How many people in the US play video games According to Entertainment Software Association, there are approximately 215.5 million gamers in the US in 2022. That translates to 66% of the total US population. In 2021, there were 226.6 million video gamers in the US, representing 68.27% of the US population. The table shows how the number of US gamers changed between 2022 and 2018 and its share based on the US population: YearNumber of US gamersPercentage based onthe entire US population2022215.5 million66%2021226.6 million68.27%2020214.4 million65.07%2018196.08 million60%(ESA, ESA 2, ESA 3, ESA 5) Up to 71% of gamers in the US are of white ethnicity. Here’s a more accurate distribution of gamers based on their ethnicity: EthnicityDistribution in 2022Distribution in 2021White71%73%Hispanic10%9%Black/AfricanAmerican8%8%Asian/PacificIslander7%6%Others3%2%(ESA) Roughly 69% of households in the US have at least one video gamer. 63% of gamers play games primarily to have fun. (ESA) How many people in Europe play video games There were 408 million gamers in Europe in 2021, according to Newzoo. The table also shows that more than half of Europeans consider themselves gamers: YearNumber of gamers in EuropePercentage based onEurope’s population2021408 million54.3%2020386 million51.6%(Newzoo 2, Statista 3) There were 124.8 million gamers in the EU in 2021. That’s 6.5 million more compared to 2020. (ISFE) Interestingly, 52% of 6-to-64-year-old Europeans play video games. (ISFE) Revenue from the EU video game industry in 2021 was €23.3 billion. (ISFE) How many people in Asia play video games Asia-Pacific is the largest video gamer region, with up to 1.6 billion players in 2021. That means that 55% of all gamers in the world come from Asia-Pacific. YearNumber of gamers in AsiaPercentage compared toall gamers worldwidePercentage based onAsia’s population20211.6 billion55%31.2%20201.45 billion54%34.2%(Newzoo 2) What Country Plays the Most Video Games China is the biggest country by the number of gamers. The country counts around 701.8 million gamers, around half its population (49.7%, to be exact). Consequently, China earns the most gaming revenue, with $45.4 billion in earnings in 2021. (Niko) What countries have the most gamers China has by far the most gamers with over 700 million, followed by US at a distant second place with over 200 million gamers. Germany is the biggest country in Europe by the number of gamers, with around 49.8 million players. The table shows the estimated number of gamers per country, gamer percentage based on population in 2021, and revenues from the video gaming industry for each country: CountryNumber of gamersPercentagecompared tocountry’s totalpopulationGamingindustryrevenueChina701.8 million49.7%$45.8 billionUS215.5 million66%$45 billionBrazil100.7 million47.06%$2.6 billionJapan78.1 million62.13%$20 billionGermany49.8 million59.91%$6.6 billionFrance39.3 million58.22%$4.1 billionUK39.1 million58.07%$5.5 billionItaly37.6 million63.65%$3.0 billionSouth Korea33.8 million65.33%$7.9 billionCanada21.9 million57.25%$3.4 billion(ESA, Newzoo 3) What Percentage of Gamers are Females In the US, there are almost equally as much female than male gamers in 2022. More accurately, 48% of gamers are female, whereas 52% are male. The table compares the share of female and male gamers in the US between 2022 and 2018: YearShare of FEMALEgamers in the USShare of MALEgamers in the US202248%52%202145%55%202041%59%201946%54%201845%55%(ESA, ESA 2, ESA 3, ESA 4, ESA 5) Likewise, in Europe, the percentage of women gamers is comparable to that in the US. In 2021, European female gamers represented a 47.8% share. Moreover, among all EU gamers aged 6-to-15, 48% also consist of girls. Here’s the percentage of females players in Europe between 2021 and 2019: YearPercentage ofFEMALE EU gamersPercentage ofMALE EU gamers202147.8%52.2%202047%53%201945%55%(ISFE, ISFE 2, ISFE 3) In Asia, females represent around 35% of all games in that region. 95% of female players in Asia are mobile gamers. 60% play PC games, whereas only 17% are on consoles. Share of female gamers in Asia35%Percentage of female gamers indulging in mobile gaming95%… PC gaming60%… console games17%(Pocket Gamer, Niko 2) Gamer Demographics by Platform Average PC gamer There are an estimated 1.799 billion PC gamers globally in 2022. That’s 24 million PC gamers more compared to 2021. The table shows how the number of PC gamers raised throughout the years: YearNumber ofPC gamersworldwide20231.828 billion (estimated)20221.799 billion (estimated)20211.774 billion20201.746 billion20191.553 billion20181.497 billion20171.449 billion20161.403 billion(Statista 4) Females represent 40% of PC gamers in the US. The survey was made on 2,320 adult respondents in April 2022. (Statista 5) The average PC gamer in 2014 was 38 years old. YearAverage agefor a PC gamer201438 years201137 years(PCGamesN, Destructoid) On average, PC gamers spend 7.5 hours per week playing games. Most PC gamers (69%) play games when the sun goes down, with 46% playing in the evening while 23% playing during the night-time. At what part of the dayPC players start gamingPercentageWhen the sun goes down69%In the evening46%During night-time23%(Lenovo) PlayStation demographics PlayStation’s install base in 2021 was 151.4 million units. (Weil) An average of 106.6 million monthly active users played PlayStation in 2021. That’s less than in 2020 but (so far) more than in 2022. Here’s how PlayStation’s average monthly active user count changed between 2022 and 2021: YearAverage PlayStationmonthly active users2022102.5 million2021106.6 million2020111.25 million(Sony) Console gamers in their 30’s are the likeliest to have PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. Based on ownership distribution data, a quarter of PlayStation 1 users are between 13 and 18 years old. Here’s a more accurate age distribution for PS4/PS5 and PS1 consoles: Age groupAge distributionamong PS4/PS5 usersAge distributionamong PS1 users13-18 years13%25%19-24 years14%21%25-30 years16%18%31-36 years18%14%37-42 years15%9%43-48 years12%5%49-54 years9%4%55+ years3%4%(Sony 2) At 41%, women represent a good chunk of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 userbase. On the other hand, PlayStation 1 has mostly male users, with only 18% female. Sony’s main target audience for PlayStation consoles are men between 17 and 40 years. PlayStationconsole generationShare ofFEMALEusersShare ofMALEusersPS4/PS541%59%PS118%82%(Sony 2, IIDE) Here are the best wireless headsets for PlayStation. Xbox demographics By the end of 2021, the Xbox console install base counted 63.7 million units. (Weil) Xbox had around 46 million monthly active users in 2021. This is an estimation based on Microsoft’s claims that PlayStation has “more than double” and “close to 60 million more” monthly active users than Xbox. (Weil) In 2017, the average age for an Xbox gamer was 33 years. Most Xbox players were between 24 and 34 years old, accounting for a 28% share. The 35-to-44 age group falls second at 23% share. Here’s the age distribution for Xbox players in 2017: Age groupShare of Xbox players13-17 years10%18-24 years18%25-34 years28%35-44 years23%45-54 years15%55-65 years6%This is the latest data we could find. (Windows Central) Roughly 42% of Xbox users were women in 2017. Men were still in the majority at 58%. YearShare of FEMALEXbox playersShare of MALEXbox players201742%58%(Windows Central) Almost half of Xbox gamers in 2017 were married. Up to 23% were still living with their parents. The table shows a more detailed view of Xbox users’ living arrangements: Xbox users living arrangementsPercentageLiving with spouse45%Living with parents23%With an unmarried partner11%Alone10%With roommate(s)5%Alone with children4%Other2%(Windows Central) The average annual income of an Xbox user in 2017 was $75,000. Most households with an Xbox console earned between $50,000 and $100,000 per year. On the other hand, 7% earned less than $15,000 a year. Here are all percentages: Annual Americanhousehold incomePercentage of Xbox usersUnder $15,0007%$15,000-$24,9995%$25,000-$34,9998%$35,000-$49,99910%$50,000-$74,99921%$75,000-$99,99921%$100,000-$149,99914%More than $150,0008%Prefer not to answer6%(Windows Central) Around 53% of Xbox users spent an average of 17 hours per week playing multiplayer games. Almost half (49%) played an average of 15 games throughout the year. (Windows Central) Around 25 million users subscribed to Xbox’s Game Pass by January 2022. Microsoft first introduced the service in 2017. (Weil) Average Time Spent Playing Video Games Gamers worldwide spend, on average, 8 hours and 27 minutes per week playing games. (Statista 6) On average, Americans spend 13 hours per week playing video games. Time spent playing video games in the US between 2022 and 2021: YearsAverage weekly time spentplaying games in the US202213 hours202112 hours(ESA) And here’s a distribution of average weekly playtime in the US in 2022: Hours playing per weekPercentage of gamers1-3 hours22%3+ hours78%7+ hours53%(ESA) On the other hand, the average weekly playtime in Europe is 9 hours. That’s 4 hours less than in the US. Here’s the table of average weekly playtimes in Europe between 2021 and 2017: YearAverage playtimeper week in Europe20219 hours20209.5 hours20198.6 hours20188.8 hours20179.2 hours(ISFE, ISFE 2) China has one of the highest weekly playtime averages among all nations worldwide, clocking at 12 hours and 23 minutes. The survey contained between 2,000 and 5,000 adult respondents from each country. The table shows roughly how much gamers from different countries game every week: CountryLess than6 hoursBetween6-10 hoursMore than10 hoursChina48%26%26%UK62%17%21%Germany64%17%19%Spain65%18%17%France66%18%16%Switzerland73%13%14%South Korea76%12%12%Austria77%11%12%Japan83%8%9%(Statista 7) As of September 2021, young Chinese gamers aren’t allowed to play mobile games for more than 3 hours a week. The regulation was issued by Chinese authorities to protect minors’ mental and physical health. (KrASIA) Based on yearly calculations, an average American dedicates almost an entire month solely to playing games. Calculating the weekly playtime numbers of the US, Europe, and China into monthly and yearly playtime reveals how much time an average person truly spends playing games: CountryAverage weeklytime spentplaying gamesAverage monthlytime spentplaying gamesAverage yearlytime spentplaying gamesUS13 hours(in 2022)52 hours(or 2.2 full daysspend playing)676 hours(or 28.2 full daysspent playing)Europe9 hours(in 2021)36 hours(or 1.5 full daysspend playing)468 hours(or 19.5 full daysspent playing)China12 hours & 23 minutes(in 2022)49 hours & 32 minutes(or 2.1 full daysspend playing)643 hours & 56 minutes(or 26.8 full daysspend playing)(ESA, ISFE, Statista 7) Read more: World of Warcraft number of players per year Esports gamer statistics Rocket League player numbers Conclusion These were the newest gaming demographic statistics we could find. Video gaming is very popular in most countries, with at least 50% of the population allocating some of their time to playing games. Are you among those gamers? How long have you been playing video games, and how much time do you spend playing per week? Please let us know in the comments. Sources: ESA, 2022 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry. Published June 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. ESA 2, 2021 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry. Published July 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. ESA 3, 2020 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry. Published July 2020. Accessed December 21, 2022. ESA 4, 2019 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry. Published May 2019. Accessed December 21, 2022. ESA 5, 2018 Essential Facts About the Video Game Industry. Published April 2018. Accessed December 21, 2022. ISFE, 2022 Key Facts about the European video games sector. Published August 24, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. ISFE 2, 2021 Key Facts about the European video games sector. Published August 24, 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. ISFE 3, 2020 Key Facts about the European video games sector. Accessed December 21, 2022. ISFE 4, 2019 Key Facts about the European video games sector. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista, Distribution of gamers in selected gaming markets in Europe in 2021. Published January 31, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 2, Share of video gamers in China as of 1st half 2019. Published January 22, 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 3, Number of video game users worldwide from 2017 to 2027. Published November 11, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 4, Number of PC gaming users worldwide from 2008 to 2024. Published November 24, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 5, PC/laptop video game players in the United States in 2022. Published June 27, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 6, Average weekly hours spent playing video games in selected countries worldwide as of January 2021. Published October 11, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Statista 7, 50% of Chinese Play More Than 6 Hours Per Week. Published August 31, 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. IGEA, Australian Games Industry Statistics. Published May 5, 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. Axios, Number of video game players in U.S. dips after pandemic surge. Published June 7, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Newzoo, U.S. Games Market 2018. Published August 1, 2018. Accessed December 21, 2022. Newzoo 2, The Games Market’s Bright Future. Published June 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. Newzoo 3, Top 10 Countries/Markets by Game Revenues. Accessed December 21, 2022. Data Center, Total population by child and adult populations in the United States. Updated October 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. EGIN, Revealed: What does it take to become an esports star? Published September 14, 2020. Accessed December 21, 2022. Washington Post, Esports stars have shorter careers than NFL players. Here’s why. Published April 19, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. TGG, WHAT IS THE AVERAGE AGE OF LOL PLAYERS. Published September 1, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Niko, China Games Market 2022 Half-Year Update report. Published October 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Niko 2, FEMALE GAMERS IN ASIA. Published October 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Pocket Gamer, Female gamers make up 35% of all players in Asia, and prefer strategy, racing and roleplaying games. October 28, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. PCGamesN, PC gamer statistics reveal equal gender split and average age of 38. Published September 11, 2014. Accessed December 21, 2022. Destructoid, PC vs Console Gaming infographic: PC is making a comeback. Published 2011. Accessed December 21, 2022. Lenovo, Next Gen Gamers: Beyond the Stereotype. Published 2019. Accessed December 21, 2022. Weil, MICROSOFT’S RESPONSE TO THE CMA’S REFERENCE DECISION. Published October 11, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Sony, Earnings Releases. Accessed December 21, 2022. Sony 2, Game & Network Services Segment. Published 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. IIDE, Complete Marketing Strategy of PlayStation. Updated September 19, 2022. Accessed December 21, 2022. Windows Central, Internal Microsoft research provides insight on Xbox One owners. Updated May 12, 2017. Accessed December 21, 2022. KrASIA, Young Chinese gamers are now limited to 3 hours of weekly playtime. Published August 31, 2021. Accessed December 21, 2022. Peter SusicFrom a childhood fascination with sound, Peter’s passion has evolved into a relentless pursuit of the finest headphones. He’s an audio expert with over 5 years of experience in testing both audiophile and consumer-grade headphones. Quote: “After many years, I can confidently tell which headphones are good and which are terrible.” Find his honest opinion in his reviews.
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