League of Legends is still growing in popularity, having over 151 million players worldwide as we speak. Find out: How many people play League of Legends What is their average age How much professional players earn from tournaments Did you know that the most successful esports League of Legends player earned $1.5 million from prizes alone? Learn the player’s name below. How many people play League of Legends League of Legends monthly players How popular is League of Legends League of Legends demographics League of Legends viewership statistics League of Legends Player Base Statistics The number of League of Legends monthly players is increasing, reaching 151 million in 2023, which is one million less than in 2022. League of Legends is the fifth most-played game in the world, based on monthly numbers provided by ActivePlayer, beaten by Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, and PUBG. 87% of males, 12% of females, and 1% of non-binaries is the gender distribution of League of Legends players, with most between 21 and 24 years old. While the 2021 championship holds the average views record, the 2022 championship broke the peak concurrent views record, beating the previous 4 million with 5.1 million viewers. League of Legends is the most popular game on Twitch, but only 7th on YouTube and 12th on Facebook Gaming. How Many People Play League of Legends? Global League of Legends player count is roughly 151 million per month, according to ActivePlayer. In 2012, the game already had 70 million registered users, although “only” 32 million monthly players. YearNumber of averagemonthly LoL playersfrom 2011 to 20222023151 million2022152 million2021149 million2020137 million2019117 million201875 million2017100 million201465 million201232 million201111.5 million(ActivePlayer, RiftFeed) League of Legends monthly players On average, almost 151 million people play League of Legends up until September 2023. The numbers in the table represent the average monthly players throughout the entire year: YearAverage monthlyLoL players2023150,787,9562022151,609,1542021149,312,7212020136,744,2162019116,655,965(ActivePlayer) Average League of Legends daily players Around 5 million people is playing League of Legends daily in 2022. YearAverage dailyLoL players20225,069,41120214,977,09120204,558,14020193,888,532(ActivePlayer) Average number of LoL concurrent players? In 2023, the average concurrent (peak) League of Legends player count was 10,052,530. YearAverage number ofconcurrent LoL players202310,052,530 million202213,687,409 million202113,370,644 million20207,268,869 million20194,083,635 million(ActivePlayer) What’s the highest number of concurrent LOL players? Roughly 14 million concurrent players in February 2022 mark the highest peak number of players in one day. (ActivePlayer) However, according to Riot Games, the official record still stands at 8 million. (Eurogamer) More player numbers data on: World of Warcraft player count Among Us Rocket League Destiny 2 player numbers How Popular is League of Legends? League of Legends is the fifth most-played game in the world. Based on the average monthly player count. PUBG, or Player Unknown Battlegrounds, holds first place as the most popular game in the world. The data is based on the League of Legends player count provided by ActivePlayer. GameLeague of Legendsmonthly active playersPUBG285 millionFortnite240 millionRoblox210 millionMinecraft180 millionLeague ofLegends151 millionApexLegends114 millionGenshinImpact65 millionCall of Duty: Warzone52 millionCounter-Strike:Global Offensive35 millionValorant22 million(TWINFINITE, ActivePlayer) Here’s more info on Valorant player numbers. How many League of Legends accounts are there? League of Legends has over 150 million registered players in 2022. As seen in the table above, the video game currently has around 152 monthly players. There are no official data or estimated numbers available for the period between 2021-2013. YearRegisteredLoL players2022150 million201270 million201132.5 million(Riot Games, Riot Games 2) League of Legends Demographics At 87%, most League of Legends fans are males. Females represent 12%, with non-binary gamers at 1%. Percentages are based on an unofficial survey from a Reddit user in 2020, with 3,784 respondents. GenderPercent ofLoL playersMale87%Female12%Non-binary1%(Reddit) More than 10% of male League of Legends players have been playing for more than 10 years. Only 4% of women played the game for the same period. (Reddit) Almost all female League of Legends players choose to play with a female champion. More accurately, 97% of them decide to pick a female champion. (INVEN Global) Most League of Legends players are between 21 and 24 years old. Only 1% of League of Legends players are older than 35. Age groupPercentage ofLoL playersUnder 1810%18-2027%21-2437%25-3022%31-353%36 and over1%(Reddit) 59% of League of Legends players were students in 2020. Around 51% had a job. Interestingly, players without a job or getting an education were most likely to play League of Legends daily. LoL player’semploymentstatusPlayingeverydaySeveraltimesa weekFewtimesa weekFewtimesa monthEvenlessoftenStudents(without job)33%42%16%5%5%Students(with job)26%49%14%7%4%Full-timeemployee22%48%20%7%4%Part-timeemployee34%41%19%4%2%Self-employment25%41%23%6%6%Internship(paid orunpaid)24%55%9%9%4%Unemployed,and not ineducation39%39%12%6%5%(Reddit) At 31%, single League of Legends players were likelier to play every day than those in a relationship (25%). (Reddit) 26% of people that are interested in League of Legends only watch the streams or championships. In contrast, 32% of interested people only play the game. 42% play and watch it. How peopleconsume LoLPercentageOnly watch streams26%Watch streams & play42%Only play32%(Newzoo) More than half of League of Legends gamers come from China. The second largest player base comes from Western Europe. Countryor regionNumber ofLoL playersChina75,000,000West Europe34,830,785North America27,889,684South Korea19,822,124Nord &East Europe18,428,816Brazil11,488,731Turkey7,727,140SouthAmerica12,850,533Russia4,888,207Oceania2,746,903Japan1,736,489(RiftFeed) League of Legends has 9 ranks, with most players (36%) having the “Silver” one. Only 0.011% of League of Legends players have the “Challenger” rank, the highest in the game. RankPercentage of LoLplayers having the rankChallenger0.019%Grandmaster0.044%Master0.51%Diamond3%Platinum12%Gold24%Silver29%Bronze24%Iron5.4%(RiftFeed) According to Riot Games, 60% of in-game champions are males. In the past few years, developers added more female champions than male ones since they want to bring the champion gender ratio to 50/50. (INVEN Global) The average round in League of Legends lasts between 15 and 40 minutes. However, round duration can last from merely 5 minutes to 1.5 hours. (Global Gaming) On average, League of Legends gamers with the highest rank end the game the fastest. That’s due to the skills and knowledge of the game that these players gained during gameplay. RankAverage playtime per matchbased on the player’s rankChallenger25 minutes 25 secondsGrandmaster26 minutes 9 secondsMaster26 minutes 5 secondsDiamond26 minutes 34 secondsPlatinum28 minutes 5 secondsGold28 minutes 16 secondsSilver29 minutes 15 secondsBronze29 minutes 24 secondsIron29 minutes 27 seconds(Global Gaming) Here’s more data on video games playtime and addiction. Kai’Sa is the most popular League of Legends champion, while Singed is considered the best. Most people pick Kai’Sa as their champion, having 25.5% popularity. It also has a 50.3%-win rate. However, champion Singed has the highest win rate at 53.6%, yet only 2.4% of popularity. (League of Graphs) Who’s the #1 League of Legends Player? Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok is considered the best League of Legends player in the world. However, the best League of Legends gamers are placed in different gaming roles. Much like in other sports, players often shine in a specific position. Here’s the table of the best League of Legends players that played at the 2022 World Championship: In-gameplayer positionBestplayerSecondThirdTop laneBai “369”Jia-HaoChoi “Zeus”Woo-jeHuang “Wayward”Ren-XinJunglerGao “Tian”Tian-LiangSeo “Kanavi”Jin-hyeokHan “Peanut”Wang-hoMid laneJeong “Chovy”Ji-hoonLi “Xiaohu”Yuan-HaoZhuo “knight”DingAD carryPark “Viper”Do-hyeonYu “JackeyLove”Wen-BoPark “Ruler”Jae-hyukSupportRyu “Keria”Min-seokShi “Ming”Sen-MingTian “Meiko” Ye(Nerd Street) Breadwhatwhat is the highest-ranking League of Legends player. In-gamenicknameIn-gamerank &pointsIn-gamewinsΔ DesperateChallenger 2085 LP161 wins(63.9%)BreadwhatwhatChallenger 2048 LP130 wins(67.4%)overtiredChallenger 2008 LP285 wins(55.7%)Deadly MarkChallenger 2004 LP170 wins(59.6%)UstanakChallenger 1948 LP171 wins(61.3%)STEPZChallenger 1924 LP175 wins(59.5%)I cant leashChallenger 1920 LP124 wins(66.7%)Doss not worldsChallenger 1915 LP230 wins(60.2%)SamkzChallenger 1913 LP135 wins(64.6%)Unlimited SwordsChallenger 1886 LP252 wins(56.8%)(League of Graphs: September 27th, 2023. Player Oner (real name Hyeon Joon Moon) was the top League of Legends earner in 2022, earning $128,778. Here’s the total earnings so until September 2023, before the Championship: In-game nicknamesTotal earnings untilSeptember 2023Ruler, 369, Knight,Kanavi, Missing$114,583Peyz$68,923Chovy$68,866Peanut, Doran,Delight$65,136YaGao, bin,ON, Elk, XUN$50,523Lzq$46,343Caps, Mikyx,Hans same,BrokenBlade,Yike$36,482(Esports Earnings) The best player in 2022 earned around 18.2% less than the best players in 2021: In-game nicknamesTotal earnings in 2022Oner$128,778Faker, Keria,Gumayusi, Zeus$124,664YaGao$117,416wei$107,018369, Kanavi,Missing, hope$103,083Xiaohu,Ming, Gala$101,285(Esports Earnings) As you can see, the top earners of 2021 were teams that together won a tournament: In-game nicknamesTotal earnings in 2021Meiko, Scout, Viper,Flandre, JieJie$157,475BeryL, Khan, ShowMaker,Canyon, Ghost$148,051xiaohu, Ming, Gala,wei, Cryin$99,026Humanoid, Carzzy,Kaiser, Armut, Elyoya$62,886(Esports Earnings) T1 is the most successful League of Legends team, winning 61 tournaments and collecting a total of $8,103,278 in prize money. These are only the prizes from League of Legends tournaments. A team can have players that play video games other than LoL, winning awards there as well. Read more on how much esports gamers earn. Here are the most successful team in League of Legends based on prize pool money collected: EsportsteamTotal prizeearningsfrom LoLtournamentsNumber oftournamentswonTeam’sorigincountryT1$8,103,27861 tournamentsKoreanSamsung$4,252,04819 tournamentsKoreanInvictusGaming$4,189,14566 tournamentsChinaRoyal NeverGive Up$4,159,58135 tournamentsChinaEDwardGaming$3,846,86649 tournamentsChinaFnatic$3,184,56484 tournamentsUKG2 Esports$2,712,57362 tournamentsEUCloud9$2,351,15485 tournamentsUSA(Esports Earnings 3) League of Legends 2018 World Championship had the biggest prize pool out of all League of Legends esports championship finals, awarding almost $6.5 million. Interestingly, the 2022nd World Championship holds 6th place for the prize pool size. Here’s a list of LoL tournaments with the largest prize pools: TournamentPrize poolNumberof teamsNumberof players2018 WorldChampionship$6,450,00024 teams131 players2016 WorldChampionship$5,070,00016 teams86 players2017 WorldChampionship$4,946,96924 teams128 players2020 WorldChampionship$2,340,00025 teams113 players2019 WorldChampionship$2,225,00024 teams127 players2022 WorldChampionship$2,225,00024 teams124 players2021 WorldChampionship$2,180,50022 teams113 players2014 WorldChampionship$2,130,00016 teams82 players2015 WorldChampionship$2,130,00016 teams85 playersSeason 3 WorldChampionship$2,050,00014 teams70 players(Esports Earnings 2) The average salary of a pro League of Legends player The average professional League of Legends player earns $105,000 a year. (Novint) In LCS (North American League), the average professional League of Legends gamer earns up to $300,000. The starting salary is $75,000. (LeagueFeed) The “Faker” is a League of Legends esports player with the highest earnings who earned almost $1.5 million solely from prizes. The table shows esports players’ earnings that are derived only from prizes (no sponsorships or other earnings included). In-gamenicknameNationalityEarningsFakerSouth Korea$1,498,711DukeSouth Korea$1,151,427BangSouth Korea$1,057,318WolfSouth Korea$1,053,271BengiSouth Korea$926,920JackeyLoveChina$841,011RookieSouth Korea$735,323CoreJJSouth Korea$716,738NingChina$696,766BaolanChina$684,271TheShySouth Korea$682,222XiaohuChina$680,083RulerSouth Korea$664,007BlankSouth Korea$655,613KarsaTaiwan$624,814AmbitionSouth Korea$596,773UziChina$595,528MataSouth Korea$585,456PerkzCroatia$583,204CapsDenmark$562,862(Dexerto) Who are the oldest League of Legends pro players? The 30-year-old Japanese gamer “Hachamecha” is the oldest professional League of Legends player. His real name is Zaqueri Black, and he is already playing LoL for the 11th year. The table also contains players who aren’t currently playing, but they also aren’t officially retired as players. In-gamenicknameAgeStatusXmithie32CoachHai31OwnerHachamecha30PlayerSolo30PlayerDimonko30ManagerCeros29CoachPromisQ29SupportVander29CoachCoreJJ29SupportDarshan28Player(Leaguepedia) League of Legends Viewership Statistics League of Legends 2022’s World Championship set the record in peak viewership, breaking the 5 million mark. The 2022’s event had 5,147,699 concurrent viewers, which is more than 1 million more than the year before. League of Legends World Championship views got bigger each year, reaching 73.86 million views in 2021. But 2022 have lower average views as shown in the table below: YearPeak viewsAverage viewsHours watched20225,147,699987,437141,943,94620214,018,7281,298,219174,826,79420203,882,2521,113,702139,862,35420193,985,7871,042,341136,980,92120182,050,475651,17882,428,26020172,102,206572,94473,623,300(Escharts) League of Legends is the most-watched game on Twitch, surpassing 8.72 billion hours of watch time. A distant second is Fortnite, with 5.05 billion hours. On the other hand, League of Legends is 7th most-watched game on YouTube and only 12th on Facebook Gaming. StreamingplatformPopularity of LoLbased on numberof viewsTwitch1st placeYouTube7th placeFacebookGaming12th place(Dotesports, iSkysoft, Streams Charts) The highest average monthly viewership for League of Legends on Twitch was in October 2021, with an average of 280,058 views. The number of average viewership has been steadily declining after that, with “only” 213,909 views in October 2022. Here’s the table of Twitch’s average monthly views per year: YearAverage viewson TwitchJanuary-September 2023149,5972022177,6242021198,0662020177,0322019127,8002018112,689(TwitchTracker) Conclusion These were the most interesting League of Legends statistics we could find. As you can see, League of Legends is still one of the most-played multiplayer games, despite being more than a decade old. That’s thanks to promotion, lavish tournaments, and the successful Netflix series Arcane. Are you a League of Legends player, and how long have you been playing it? Have you ever wanted to play the game professionally? Please let us know in the comments. Sources: RiftFeed, ActivePlayer, ActivePlayer 2, ActivePlayer 3, ActivePlayer 4, Eurogamer, TWINFINITE, Riot Games, Riot Games 2, Reddit, INVEN Global, Newzoo, Nerd Street, League of Graphs, League of Graphs 2, Novint, LeagueFeed, Dexerto, Escharts, Dotsports, iSkysoft, Streams Charts, TwitchTracker, Leaguepedia, Esports Earnings, Esports Earnings 2, Esports Earnings 3, Global Gaming Peter SusicFrom a childhood fascination with sound, Peter’s passion has evolved into a relentless pursuit of the finest headphones. He’s an audio expert with over 5 years of experience in testing both audiophile and consumer-grade headphones. Quote: “After many years, I can confidently tell which headphones are good and which are terrible.” Find his honest opinion in his reviews.
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