Minecraft is the best-selling video game in history, and with 600 million players worldwide, still one of the most popular ones. How popular is Minecraft in different countries? How many copies it sold? What’s Minecraft revenue? How much is it worth? Minecraft demographics What’s the age of an average Minecraft player? Did you know China has a separate, free-to-play version of the game? More fascinating statistics below: Minecraft Statistics (Top Picks) Minecraft sold over 238 million copies, an average of 22 million per year. Minecraft: Pocket Edition sold over 93 million copies. Minecraft generated over $3.1 billion in revenue from 2012 to 2020. Minecraft was downloaded over 425 million times in China alone. Minecraft’s brand and game are valued at $1.7 billion. Over 600 million people played Minecraft at some point. The US has the largest share of paid players (21.21%) and the highest percentage of Minecraft servers (42.7%). The average age of a Minecraft player is 24 years. Minecraft creators earned $500 million from the marketplace. Jump to: Minecraft Sales & Copies Sold Minecraft Revenue Minecraft Downloads How much is Minecraft worth? Minecraft Player Stats: How many play Minecraft? Minecraft Demographics Minecraft Following, Servers & Creators Minecraft Sales & Copies Sold How many copies has Minecraft sold? In 2021 Mojang sold 38 million copies of Minecraft. That was the highest number of copies sold in any given year. But if you do a calculation of an average number of Minecraft copy sales then you get a slightly different number: On average, people bought 22 million Minecraft copies each year. The number is calculated from the table below. Here’s a breakdown of how many units of Minecraft were sold per year: YearMinecraft copiessold per year202138 million202030 million201923.8 million201822 million201722 million201622 million201521 million201416 million201310 million20125.2 million20114 million(Statista, Hexus, Twitter, Guardian, Engadget, Forbes) On average, people bought 113,433 Minecraft copies per day between May 2020 and April 2021. Minecraft sold 33 million copies for PC up to 2019, the rest are mobile and console. (Web Archive) PC is a popular gaming platform for more dedicated players. As of 2020, Xbox One players bought 5.43 million copies of Minecraft. 3.23 million buyers came from North America, 1.71 million from Europe, and another 0.49 million from the rest of the world. (Statista 2) How many units of Minecraft overall were sold so far? Minecraft sold 238 million copies by April 2021. Each year the number increases by a couple of million copies. Here’s how many Minecraft copies have been sold up to each year, check the chart below: (Xbox) That makes it the best-selling game in history. Here’s a table of a cumulative number of Minecraft copies sold from 2016 to 2021: DateNumber of cumulative Minecraft copies soldApril 2021238 millionMay 2020200 millionMay 2019176 millionOctober 2018154 millionJanuary 2018144 millionFebruary 2017122 millionJune 2016100 million201570 million201454 million201333 million20129.2 million20114 million(Statista, Hexus, Twitter, Guardian, Engadget, Forbes) How many units of Minecraft: Pocket Edition overall were sold so far? Minecraft: Pocket Edition has sold 93 million copies by 2021. YearMinecraft: Pocket Editioncopies sold202193 million201530 million201421 million201310 million20121 millionCumulative numbers. (Source:ggrecon, Gamedeveloper, Polygon, Twitter 3, Mojang) Minecraft Revenue Minecraft generated $415 million in revenue in 2020. Here’s a table of annual Minecraft revenue: YearRevenue2020$415 million2019$375 million2018$500 million2017$370 million2016$420 million2015$350 million2014$165 million2013$326 million2012$211 million(Google Books, Function Horizon, Billboard) Minecraft mobile generated $160.69 million in revenue in 2021. That is a massive 36.1% decrease in revenue, and the first one after 2016 when the revenue dropped by 10.7%. YearMinecraftmobilerevenue2022$102.6 million2021$160.69 million2020$142.12 million2019$111.04 million2018$81.78 million2017$77.61 million2016$72.91 million2015$81.68 million(Statista 3) Mobile Minecraft represented 34.2% of total revenue in 2020. (Statista 3, Fiction Horizon) Read more about mobile gaming data. Minecraft generated around $3 billion in game sales revenue from 2011 to 2020. (Verge) How much money has Minecraft made overall? Overall, Minecraft made more than $3.1 billion in revenue from 2012 to 2020. (Function Horizon, Billboard) Here’s how much pro esports players make. How Much is Minecraft Worth? Minecraft’s brand is worth $1.7 billion as of 2021. (Rankiing) Markus Notch Persson sold Minecraft to Microsoft for $2.5 billion in 2014. That happened after Minecraft had already sold 15 million copies and became a huge indie hit among players. Microsoft made a mobile version called: Minecraft: Pocket Edition which made it accessible to more people. (Forbes 2) How Many Downloads Does Minecraft Have? How many people have downloaded Minecraft? People downloaded the Minecraft Android version more than 10 million times. That only includes downloads from the Google Play store. (Google Play) Apple users downloaded Minecraft 200,000 times in July 2022 alone. Unfortunately, the App Store doesn’t show total downloads. The game has 548,300 ratings. (App Store, Sensortower) There were more than 500 million Minecraft players in China in October 2021. Chinese Minecraft is published by NetEase and is free to play on both mobile and PC. Here’s a table of Chinese Minecraft yearly downloads. YearNumber ofdownloadsOctober 2021500 millionJune 2021425 million2020400 million2019300 million2018150 million201760 million(Twitter 2, Gameindustry, Pocket Gamer, Gamepur, Xbox 2) AR-based Minecraft Earth was downloaded 2.5 million times in the first year after the release. In the first 10 days, the Earth edition already generated 1.4 million downloads, 86% of them coming from the US. (Pocket Gamer 2) Minecraft Player Stats: How Many Play Minecraft? How many players play Minecraft? As of 2020, there were 600 million registered Minecraft players. China alone has a Minecraft player count of 400 million. Minecraft activeplayersTotal600+ millionChina400 millionRest ofthe world200 million(TweakTown) But this growth didn’t come over time. The player numbers have slowly been growing. Here are the numbers of monthly Minecraft players through the years: YearNumber ofMinecraft playersAugust 2022173.1 millionAugust 2021164 millionMarch 2021140 millionMay 2020126 millionOctober 201891 millionDecember 201774 millionFebruary 201755 millionJune 201640 millionQ4 201533.3 millionQ4 201429 millionQ4 201328.2 millionQ4 201226.2 millionQ4 201116.1 million(Statista 4) (Latos Charts) (Eurogamer) (ActivePlayer) Most Minecraft players come from the US (21.21%). Followed by Brazil with a 6.17% player base (excluding Chinese free-to-play players). CountryPercentage ofMinecraft playersUSA21.21%Brazil6.17%Russia5.59%UK5.06%Germany4.6%Others57.37%(PlayerCounter) According to Mojang, Minecraft multiplayer players logged in over 1 billion hours of gameplay in 2020. (PSL 2) At the beginning of the pandemic, Minecraft saw a 25% surge in new players and 40% more people playing the game together. The data is from April 2020. (CNET) Learn how many players play World of Warcraft and Among Us. How many people play Minecraft every month? 176.9 million players played Minecraft in the last 30 days. (ActivePlayer) How many players play Minecraft daily? Minecraft has an average of 3.1 million active players at any given time. The number of players fluctuates between 2.5 million and 3.7 million. (PlayerCounter) Minecraft Demographics Average age of Minecraft players An average Minecraft player is 24 years old. (Source: PCGamesN) Otherwise, the largest age group are 15-to-21-year-olds. See more data below. Minecraft players by age group Most Minecraft players come from the 15-21 age group (43%). Followed by the 22-30 age group with 21% of representation, and under 15 with 20.59%. Age groupPercentage of MinecraftplayersUnder 15 years20.59%15-21 years43%22-30 years21%(Minecraft Seeds) More than half of children aged 3-12 were playing Minecraft. The info came from 753 surveyed parents in 2018. Within the 6-8 years group, 53% played Minecraft, whereas 68% of children in the 9-12 age group did the same. Age groupPercentage of childrenplaying Minecraft6-8 years53%9-12 years68%(UniMelb Survey 2018, N=753) Over 70% of children aged 3-8 are playing Minecraft on a tablet. Around 50% of 9-to-12-year-olds play Minecraft on a tablet, the rest prefer the PC. 80% of children from the Australian survey played Minecraft with someone else. Most kids play with relatives, parents, friends, or other players online. Only 11% of parents decided to play Minecraft with their kids. In the 3-12 age group, more boys play Minecraft (54%) than girls (32%). In the 6-8 age group, the difference is even higher, with 68% of boys playing Minecraft compared to 29% of girls. Age groupBoys playingMinecraftGirls playingMinecraft3-12 years54%32%6-8 years68%29%(SAGE journals) 32% of 6-to-8-year-old boys have already watched Minecraft videos on YouTube. Compared to only 9% of girls. Minecraft Following, Servers & Creators How popular are Minecraft playthrough videos? Minecraft YouTube videos surpassed 1 trillion views on YouTube in 2021. (Verge 2) The threshold of 100 billion views was reached in 2019, whereas in 2020, there were already 201 billion views. YearNumber of totalviews on YouTube20221 trillion2020201 billion2019100 billion(Verge 2) (PSL) (PSL 2) There were more than 35,000 Minecraft creators on YouTube from more than 150 countries. (Verge 3) Minecraft content on Twitch ranked 10th place on Twitch in February 2023. It was watched 8.35 million times, has an average of 50,300 viewers, and consists of 2,200 channels. (Twitch Tracker) Average viewership of Minecraft videos on Twitch: DateAverage numberof viewersNovember 202262 thousandAugust 2022123 thousandApril 202238.5 thousandJanuary 202281.3 thousandDecember 202173.6 thousandJune 2021100 thousandFebruary 2021122 thousand(peak viewership)January 2021108 thousandDecember 202096.99 thousandJune 202054.01 thousandJanuary 202025.18 thousandDecember 201922.81 thousandJune 201923.72 thousandJanuary 201914.53 thousandDecember 20188.58 thousandJune 20184.27 thousandJanuary 20185.37 thousand(Statista 5) How many Minecraft servers are there? There are around 10,134 Minecraft servers worldwide. With 4,328 servers, the US has the largest number of servers. 42.7% of all Minecraft servers are located in the US. Followed by the UK, which has 6.8% of servers. In contrast, 15 countries have only one Minecraft server. (Minecraft MP) The number of Minecraft servers by country: CountryNumber ofserversUSA4,328UK696Turkey544Germany338Taiwan281Canada274Indonesia243Brazil212Australia186Spain181Netherlands175India158Romania154Europe(the rest of thecountries)142Vietnam141France124Italy117Argentina99Bulgaria84Poland,Israel83Mexico76Finland73Sweden70Chile63China61Greece58Philippines56Hong Kong54Serbia50Denmark,Russia47Singapore46Malaysia45Bangladesh41Peru38Croatia35Portugal,Czechia,DominicanRepublic34Norway33Estonia31Hungary,Pakistan29Japan27Colombia26Belgium,Iran,Lithuania,Slovenia25Sri Lanka23New Zealand19Ukraine18Latvia16Saudi Arabia,South Africa14Slovakia12Ecuador,Switzerland11Georgia,Nepal9Costa Rica8Austria,Bosnia,Thailand7Cambodia6UAE,Uruguay,Venezuela,Azerbaijan,Ireland5Mongolia4South Korea3Iceland,Macao,North Macedonia,Panama,Paraguay,Puerto Rico,Uganda,US Virgin Islands2Algeria,Andorra,Belarus,Bolivia,Brunei,Egypt,El Salvador,Guatemala,Iraq,Maldives,Morocco,Samoa,Tonga,Syria,Uzbekistan1(Minecraft MP) Minecraft creators statistics Minecraft content creators earned $500 million in revenue from the Marketplace. In there, you can find over 1.7 billion pieces of downloadable content. The Marketplace is where you find monetized user-generated content for Minecraft. (Gamesindustry 2) Giggle Block Studios generated the most downloadable pieces on the Marketplace (889 pieces). On the other hand, Skilendarz only generated 1 piece. (MCMarketStats) Marketplace creators are mostly creating skins and world templates. ContentAmount ofgeneratedcontentSkins15,207Worlds6,458Resourcepacks154Mashups58(MCMarketStats) Minecraft vs. Fortnite With up to 65% of internet searches in 2020 dedicated to Minecraft, the game is the most popular in Asian countries. On the other hand, with 71% of searches, Fortnite is the most popular in Africa. RegionOnlyMinecraftsearchesOnlyFortnitesearchesSearchesfor bothgamesAfrica11%71%18%Asia65%31%4%Oceania40%20%40%Europe18%67%15%NorthAmerica13%73%13%SouthAmerica58%33%8%(Reboot) Read more: Rocket League Facts: Player Count & Rank Distribution What headsets did PewDiePie wear? Conclusion: Minecraft Statistics These were the latest and most in-depth Minecraft statistics. Even though the game has vanished from the most popular YouTube channels, it has never vanished from gamers’ hearts. Minecraft is still one of the most-watched games on Twitch with tens of thousands of viewers. Which Minecraft statistic did you find the most interesting? What do you think about this most-sold game of all time? Do you play it with friends and a gaming headset or only single-player? Please let us know in the comments. Sources: Xbox, Statista, Statista 2, Statista 3, Statista 4, Statista 5, Hexus, ggrecon, Twitter, Twitter 2, Twitter 3, Guardian, Engadget, Forbes, Forbes 2, Google Books, Web Archive, Billboard, Fiction Horizon, Verge, Verge 2, Verge 3, Google Play, App Store, SensorTower, Gamesindustry, Gamesindustry 2, Pocket Gamer, Pocket Gamer 2, GamePur, Rankiing, TweakTown, ActivePlayer, Latos Charts, Eurogamer, PlayerCounter, PSL, PSL 2, CNET, PSGamesN, Minecraft Seeds, Gamedeveloper, Mojang, Reboot, MCMarketStats, Minecraft MP, Twitch Tracker Xbox 2, Minecraft Franchise Fact Sheet October 2021. Published Oct 2021. Accessed Feb 22, 2023. SAGE journals, Children and Minecraft: A survey of children’s digital play. Published Dec 19, 2017. Accessed Feb 22, 2023. Peter SusicFrom a childhood fascination with sound, Peter’s passion has evolved into a relentless pursuit of the finest headphones. He’s an audio expert with over 5 years of experience in testing both audiophile and consumer-grade headphones. Quote: “After many years, I can confidently tell which headphones are good and which are terrible.” Find his honest opinion in his reviews.
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